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Spring 2005
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Hi, my name is Max. I am 8 years old and live in Columbus Junction with my brother, Wesley, my mom and dad and our 4 dogs.

My favorite food is pizza and pork burgers. My favorite drink is Root Beer.

I like to play outside with friends. We play things like basketball, baseball or with toy guns and hide and seek tag. I also like to ride my bike around town. I am
planning to ride RAGBRAI with my family this summer.

I am learning to play the piano and I like to go out target shooting with my dad. I am on a baseball team here in Columbus Junction - it is fun! This summer I would like to go fishing with my dad or riding behind the boat on the inner tube!

Homeschoolers: Who ARE We?

We are thin, we are fat, we are curved, we are straight. We come in all colors, all shapes and all sizes. We believe that One Size Fits None.

We are married and single, separated, blended. We belong to small families, large families, extended families. We live in the country, in the city, on farms, in suburbs, in apartments. Wherever we live, small people are there.

We are Christian, we are Pagan, we are Moslem, we are Atheist. We have found the answers, we have found part of the answers, we are searching for the answers. And some of us have not yet figured out the questions.

We are college graduates, we are dropouts. We are doctors, lawyers, mechanics and laborers. We are capable. We are Professional all, and some of us feel by virtue of our increased awareness, we should be allowed to vote more than once!

We do not like government control of our lives. Some of us Do Not Like It and some of us DO NOT LIKE IT. Some of us do not believe mat any entity should have that much power. Others believe only their Favorite Flavor should have that kind of power.

We have rejected the public school system for religious reasons or political reasons, or because our standards were higher, or because we value creativity, or because we were round pegs hammered into square holes. Some of us rejected public school knowing we could do better, and some of us knew only that we could do no worse.

We have school at home, we de-school, we un-school. Some of us are passionately convinced that our method is not only the best but the only feasible method. Some of us change our methods weekly.

We are nervous, we are confused, we are confident, we are assured. We read and read and read until one day, lo and behold, we are able to write the books we have been reading. We stop clinging so fiercely to those who have taught and supported us, and offer ourselves to those who are now turning to us, with a brief passing interval during which we ask ourselves the question "Why are they asking ME?"

We have been taught that "United we stand, divided we fall", and we have learned that Diverse does not have to equal Divided. We have a foundation, and mat foundation must run the length and breadth. We must all make a conscious choice to stand upon it.

For whatever our size, our flavor, our method, our value system, we believe that parents have the right to raise their children, and that right includes each and every educational decision. If we attempt to use any other tenet as our foundation, we will fall.

If we will not waver in that belief, if we will not dilute it with questions about the ability of people with orange-and-purple hair, or people who don't clean house to our standards, or people with no education, or people who do not share our religious or political beliefs, or our cultural values, or people who use other methods, then we will stand...diverse, but united.


Book Reviews


By Ben H.

One of my objectives when I grow up would be to design video games. This play-station 2 video game software that I own is perfect for future designers. It allows you to design real RPGs. 


Well, first of all RPG means Role-Playing Game. If you've never played a Role-Playing Game, then you're probably wondering what Role-Playing means. Role-Playing used to the term for rolling dice to see how much damage you did to the enemy. Now, most RPGs are played on video games. In an RPG, when you run into a battle, a few selections appear. They are usually Attack, Magic, Item and Run. Remember that you can have more than one person in battle. When you choose a selection, for each character, each character will display various actions. There are two kinds of RPGs. Wait RPGs, and Active RPGs. Wait RPGs allow you to take your time during strategies. In active RPGs, you have to be quick to think up strategies, because enemies will attack you during, selections.


When you are using RPG Maker 2, you have to play a few RPGs to really know how to make one. First, you need to make a title. A good title will attract the audiences' attention. Next, you need a good storyline. A good storyline makes the game interesting and the players will want to keep playing it. You need a good main character. But don't just focus on him. The other characters you make should be important too. You really need to make creative maps, dungeons, and towns. If you have no creativity in this game the players will get bored. The maps should have towns smaller than your character. Most RPGs do this because it's supposed to look like you're traveling a long way. You can also make maps with trails, mountains, dungeons, objects, etc. Make your dungeons very creative. You can make walls in the dungeons with cobwebs, candles, shields, bricks, and other objects on the floor like swords, shields, helmets, armor etc... You can make towns with about as much stuff as I said before. But, try to make your towns look normal, also creative.


It's going to be hard to explain, and I'll try to make it as short as possible. If you don't know what to do, try the instruction booklet. If you still have problems, try Prima's Official strategy guide. When you first begin making a game, three selections appear. They are easy, normal, and hard. If you're not quite sure on how to use this game, then try the easy level. If you mink it's lousy because you don't get to add detail to anything, then try the normal level. If you still think it's kind of iffy, then try the hard level. It really isn't all that hard, it's just that mere is no ore-made characters, enemies, events, etc... in the easier levels. When, you create the party members, you have to come up with names for them, what they look like, what stats they have etc... When you make the enemies you have to make them the same way as the characters pretty much. Next, the scripts, I can definitely tell you that this is the hardest part of the game! This whole game is made up of scripts! Without  scripts you couldn't make the characters talk, make movies, weapons, magic, items, etc...  That's the problem, because, like I said before, this is the HARDEST part of the whole GAME! It took me a month to figure it out (and the rest of the game)! I'd tell you how to make scripts, but this speech would be 10 min. instead of 5. I already told you how to make the maps, towns and dungeons so no need to worry about that.


This is the title of my video game I am making on RPG Maker EL The story line goes like this....... 1,000's years ago when humans ruled the earth, their only source of power was from the Holy Sapphire. As long as they had the Holy Sapphire within their possession, there was mostly peace upon the earth. An intelligent archeologist discovered this sapphire deep within the ancient ruins of Dragoon's lair. The Dragoons were an ancient people who are half human and half dragon. The Holy Sapphire was designed by this super human race deep within their caverns. When the last of their kind was about to die off, the greatest of them forged a sword to protect the sapphire. When the sword was made and the last of their kind was about to die, they sent the spirit of a dragon into a sword. The name of the sword was called the Dragon Sword.


The Holy Sapphire did not stay safe for long. The humans had the Holy Sapphire stolen from them by the Black Rogues. The Black Rogues were a small band of evil men, banished thieves. They were angered by their banishment and wanted the power of the Holy Sapphire for themselves to use for all sorts of evil. All went well with their plan until they released the power of the Sapphire. After the sapphire had been stolen by the Black Rogues, the power of the sapphire had changed. Once, the sapphire had only been filled with absolute goodness and holiness. But now that the Black Rogues had possession of it, the holy sapphire became filled with their hatred and bitterness. The Holy Sapphire became the Dark Sapphire and from out of it issued all sorts of evil spirits. But the most frightening and terrible of these evil spirits was the Demon King, Dark Lord over all the lesser Demons. His name is Apocalypse. The Demon King and his cohorts took the black rogues and made them their servants. The Demons used them to enslave and terrorize all of man- kind.


But soon after, their savior would come from land of Ethonel, the land of the elvish folk. His name is Drake. He went in search of the great sword. When he discovered it in the ruins of the lost Dragoons, he used it to slay the Demons and cause them to return from where they came and to bring peace to the lands of the people. The power of the sword was great and destroyed all of the Demons but one. Apocalypse was not destroyed but was thrown into another dimension and sealed by the Dark Sapphire. Once the power of evil had been broken, the Dark Sapphire turned back into the Holy Sapphire once again. It was given back to the humans and all was well until..........  

If you want to find out what happens you have to wait until I finish making this game and play it for yourself.


A PIONEER SAMPLER By Barbara Greenwood 
Book report by Corliss

The book I am reading is "A Pioneer Sampler." It tells about how a pioneer family would live in 1840. Many pioneer families went by this motto: Eat it up, Wear it out, Make it do, or Go without. Most of the families that came to where they wanted to live first built a shanty. A shanty has a low roof. Next when their family was too big for the shanty, then they built a log house. Then they build one last house out of sawed lumber and was very big. I really liked the activities like apple drying, balance scale, and butter making. Even if I did not do them, they looked really neat

Hi. My name is Corliss. I like horses, cats, and dogs. I have three cats and one dog. I live in the country. I am nine.



The following statistics were taken from the study produced by the US Department of Education, released summer 2001.

Homeschool profile
Median amount spent on home schooling per child in the US - $450

Household incomes
18% of home school families earn less than $25,000, 44% of households between $25,000 and $49,000.

Over 75% attend religious services

States with High government regulation of home schools - homeschool battery score - 86

States with Moderate government regulation of home schools - homeschool battery score - 85

States with Low government regulation of home schools - homeschool battery score - 86

Minority Performance
Home school - average reading score (white) - 87 percentile; Public school - average reading score (white) - 61 percentile

Home school - average reading score (minority) - 87 percentile; Public school - average reading score (minority) -49 percent

Home school - average math score (white) - 82 percentile; Public school - average math score (white) - 60 percentile

Home school - average math score (minority) - 77 percentile; Public school - average math score (minority) - 50 percentile

For data above reference Brian D. Ray, PhD, Home Schooling on the Threshold (NHERI Publications, PO Box 13939, Salem, OR 97309), and HSLDA, Home Education Across the USA (HSLDA, 17333 Pickwick Dr., Purcellville, VA 20132), and HSLDA, Home Schooling Works, Pass it on! Rudner Report, (HSLDA, 17333 Pickwick Dr., Purcellville, VA 20132).

"The average SAT score for home schoolers in 2000 was 1100, compared with 1019 for the general population. And a large study by University of Maryland education researcher Lawrence Rudner showed that the average home schooler scored in the 75th percentile on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills; the 50th percentile marked the national average."

Summer Area Events

Area Musuem Special Exhibits/IMAX

June 05

June 19 - Snake Alley Art Fair in Burlington, IA

July 05

July 15-16 - Balloons Over the Mississippi in Fort Madison, IA in Riverview Park. Includes balloon races.
July 16 - Young Entrepreneur Days at the Family Museum in Bettendorf, LA For youth ages 5-18 (under 14 accompanied by an adult) Spaces are $10 each. We are accepting reservations now through July 11. To book your space, call Julie Klein at (563) 344-4170.
July 16 - Chief Wapello Days in Wapello, IA
Jury 25 - July 30 - Louisa County Fair in Columbus Junction, IA
July 27 - August 2 - Des Moines County Fair - in Burlington at the fairgrounds at SCC.


August & September 05

July 27 - August 2 - Des Moines County Fair - in Burlington at the fairgrounds at SCC.
August 11 - 14 - Sweet Corn Festival in West Point, IA
August 18 - 20 - Watermelon Festival in Montrose, IA
September 10, 2005 - TEECH Homeschool Picnic. Bring food to share and your own table servings. Invite other homeschoolers in the area. Brief business meeting to follow. Contact Nancy for more info - here.- don't forget to remove the nospam

Hubert Hoover Library in West Branch :

The Circus in America - Under the Big Top

Putnum Museum in Davenport - IMAX Movies:

Fighter Pilot - Operation Red Flag started 5/20/05 

Forces of Nature started 3/11/05 

Adrenalin Rush - The Science of Risk - starts7/l/05

Science Center - Cedar Rapids - IMAX Movies

History of the Nile - ends 6/30/05

Forces of Nature - ends 10/31/05

Wolves - starts 7/1/05

Family Museum - Bettendorf:

June 11 through September 4, 2005. The Friendly Technology Exhibit. This traveling exhibit explores man's ongoing passion and sometimes curious relationship with science and technology. It is an unusual mix of technology, art, and the human spirit! It includes 12 interactive states that will amaze and educate everyone.

Niobi Zoo - Coal Valley, IL

Safari Sleepovers are scheduled at Niabi Zoo. This overnight program starts on Sat evening and ends the next morning. Campout includes a campfire dinner, guided tour, an education presentation with the animals and more.

Cost is $25 for members, $30 for non-members.

To register, call (309)799-3482.

5-27; 6-3; 6-17; 6-24; 7-1; 7-8; 7- 22; 7- 29; 8-5

Cunningham New Address

We have had to say good-bye to the Cunningham's at the end of May, 2005.
Contact Nancy for their new address - here. - don't forget to remove the nospam

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All rights reserved.
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