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September 14,2002


Last race of the season...and it was a rocky start....15 minutes before the race was to start,

after the grounds crew had the track all ready to go,

drivers meeting had already been attended to,

and all we needed was the National Anthem,

the clouds opened up and gave everyone a shower. This little spurt from mother nature made the track very greasy and dangerous.

Hats off to the wonderful job of the grounds crew for getting the track back in racing condition!!

Great job Sigourney grounds crew.

The crew worked with great determination to put this track back in racing condition.

Then finally... we are off to the races.

We had a very safe night on the track...well.. as safe as figure 8 racing can be in my eyes... no roll overs....isn't that fantastic??

We did have a hair raising experience when 25H and 7M took a hit in the intersection in one of the heats.

However, tonights race wasn't just about racing.

Sigourney Raceway went above and beyond to entertain the kids tonight.

To start out the night, the kids were invited to take a ride with their favorite driver around the track.

Then some frisbies were tossed out to the kids, these frisbies had the name and number of a driver on them,

at the end of the evening a very happy and excited kid was invited to the track to get his/her photo taken with the main winner.

After all the heats were over and we were awaiting the start of the Consulation races,

names were drawn for many prizes for kids of all ages.

A total of 4 kids bikes were given away, as well as numerous t-shirts and other small gifts. These prizes were donated by drivers/fans/and local businesses.

Back to the races!!!

After the B,C,& D Mains, we ran a Last chance race sponsored by Manatts Tire, the winners of this race were


Car #62


Car # 18M


Car #48C

Now to the A-main feature of the night.

I have to say this was quite a race. With all the talent on the track, it is really impossible to guess who will win this race.

In the beginning 1X and 19 took the jump on everyone. They battled back and forth for a couple of laps only to finally spin each other out on the turn...

54B took advantage of this opportunity and quickly jumped to the lead...he was able to keep the lead through the white flag,

after coming out of the first turn he met up with a bit of a traffic jam,

where him and 57V took a hit in the intersection, dropping 54B to the second place position... Great racing everyone..

I look forward to next season.

Our next feature of the night was the Powder Puff where we had


Car #37T


Car #77


Car #33

Next a start up line featured those boys who do the actual work.....the mechanics.

I am sorry I wasn't able to get the results of the mechanics race.. so if anyone has those results please send them to me?

I also have to appologize. We have been having camera troubles the last 2 races. Some photos I had to take from my archives. So if anyone has better photos of the main winners please send them to me.

See You All Next Year!!!!

Hey guys!!! Go see if your car is featured in this weeks photo album!!

Main Winners


A-Main.........B-Main#.........C- Main.........D-Main

Car #66T...........Car #29J............Car #21L............Car #9Z

Car #54B...........Car #042............Car #21D............Car #42

Car #34Z...........Car #87............Car #?............Car #79

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