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XRS logging System

The logging system for XRS® compliant radio systems

From Vision to Code - Powered by Delphi

This is a logging system which installs as a XRS® plugin.
QuickLog is for W95/98 & NT4 and above.
A MINIMUM screen resolution of 800x600 @24bpp is recommended. Higher is better.
Remember to check back often for the latest version.


6/29/99 - Version 2.3 is nearing completion. Several new features have been implemented. You can now scan up to 100 channels using QLog. QLog will also keep track of the number of times each channel was active. So you can set up the freqs you wish to monitor for activity and leave the radio unattended when you return you will see where the activity has been greatest or where the dead areas are. ( Thanks to James Bundy for this idea! )

An "AutoSave" feature has also been added to save your logs as well as the scanner data file at preset intervals. ( Always backup your files anyway!! )
NIST calibraton of your PC Clock can now be done from inside QLog. This does require you to have have an active Internet connection but then I guess you do don't you !! :-)

NOTE: Your current logs WILL be compatable with this new version.

7/17/99 - Version 2.3 is released again. A set of memory manager functions have been removed from the system which were causing problems.

9/25/99 - Version 2.31 is released. This fixes what may have been an intermittant error caused by QLog trying to set the GMT to 25:00hrs at some GMT Offsets/Time Zones.

10/18/99 - Version 2.4 is in process and should hopefully be released within the next month or so.
The screenshot above is of the new version with the new syling to more closely match that of the WinRadio screen display.

12/22/99- The new version of QuickLog is just about ready to release. I have decided to make it a full version release instead of a point release to 2.4.
The new version will be 3.0.0. I decided to do this due to the fact that I have changed a ton of code and features. It is just easier for me to track my versions here.
For the user it really means nothing..bad anyway.
I am finishing up the help file now and will do a bit more testing and should maybe have something in your EMail stocking on Friday night or Saturday morning. ;-)

12/24/99 - It will be a little while before I release Version 3 I seem to have induced a integer overflow error into the system. As soon as I track this down I will be releasing version 3. Thats all thats holding it up at this time. :-( @#$@%^@#$
Check back in a few days. Christmas and all that will hold up my time at the keyboard for a time. Merry Xmas to all and to all good s/n & skip.

2/20/00 - Well it's been more that a few anything but QLog V3 is finally coming back together. A 3rd party component turns out to have been VERY buggy so I had to remove and replace them. Restructure the database system and finalize the audio system. Hang in there.

3/25/00 -

V3 - IT'S RELEASED!!!!!!!

As a beta for right now. Log printing functions are not enabled but everything else seems to be solid. If you find any bugs EMail me and let me know.

10/22/01 - WELL!! nbci has taken a large dump if anyone who has tried to access these pages will know already. They were pretty useless anyway with an ungodly slow system and what must have been some real N00b's trying be dot com wizards.
Fortunately I had backed up my entire site there so now I am finally getting around to putting it on another server. If you can read this then you have found it :-)

Download [988Kb] QuickLog v3 w/Windows Help file & RTF Flat file NEW

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Curtis W. Tooley