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                                      WELCOME TO PLUTO!

Sahir Khan


Pluto is about 5750.54 x 10^6.

(5.7504 million km)


No spacecraft has been able to identify minerals but gases detected were Methane (CH4) and Nitrogen (N2)


Pluto does not have any rings of dust, rock or any matter.


 Pluto is about 5.913 billion km away from the Sun


Dom Stellato


It is possible that Pluto has a magnetic field, but it is uncertain


The average surface temperature on Pluto is between -235 and -210 ēC



Pluto is the 9th planet from the sun


Pluto's weather depends on where it is because there is some thin ice on it that melts every time it gets closer.  The average temperature is around -223 degrees Celsius.  Since the planet is so far away we do not know much on the weather of the planet. 


Pluto has a rotational period of about every 6 days.  At this time the planet will do 1 360 degree spin.


The Planet Pluto has an orbit period of about 248 earth years.  Pluto travels around the sun every 248 years


The atmosphere on Pluto consists of methane, carbon monoxide and nitrogen.  Nitrogen makes up 98% of the atmosphere.  Carbon monoxide and methane and ethane make up the other 2%.  The pressure on Pluto is 100,000 times less than the pressure at sea level.  70% of Pluto is rock and the other 30% is ice.  The Hubble Telescope can only see 85% of the planet


5. Weather


4. Rotational period


3. Orbit period


2. Atmospheric Conditions


1 Model of planet

Column D

5. Minerals? Gases?


4. Rings? How many?


3. Distance from the Sun


2. Distance from Earth


1. Find 10 Pictures

Column C

5. Magnetic Field


4. Size of Planet


3. Average Temperature


2. Order from Sun


1. Tab. Cont/Biblio


Pluto is the smallest planet in our solar system. It is the only planet not visited by a spacecraft yet. Pluto rotates in the opposite directions as most planets do. Also, Pluto is the smallest planet in our solar system


Pluto has one moon. That moon is Charon.


Pluto was discovered in 1930


Pluto was discovered in a fortunate accident by Clyde Tombaugh. An error in the calculations had occurred which predicted another planet was beyond Neptune, based on the motions of Uranus. That error had turned up to be another planet, Pluto

Column B

5. Unique features


4. Any moons?


3.When was it discovered?

Column A

2. Who discovered it?


1. Cover Page