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Web Devil

My first-ever home page

My crappy experiment with Publisher

My College

The best search engine ever

The Iowegian hits Spring Break

Taking a break from the hectic lifestyle

The Iowegian, aka Orange Baron, is really getting excited about Spring Break this year.

Having a Mohawk was really cool. At first I felt silly, but after a couple days, I got quite used to it and actually embraced it. I liked being the "Mohawk Guy."

What I mean to say is, look at the pretty picture of Flagstaff that is sitting up there! I made the clipping of it myself. I think I even took the picture!

Check it out, dude, I'm really getting into this web stuff, man. Pretty soon I'll actually be doing CSS's and all that other jazz. Stay tuned- I'm going to be updating this and making it better.