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She wanders down the street, trying to find the meaning of life. She stops in one store, but all she finds is a broken heart. Someone who pretended to care, and ended up not. Someone she loved, who didn’t love her back. Someone she would have given anything for, money, love, life. Someone who didn’t want that from her. Someone who didn’t know how she felt, but never gave her the chance to tell him. She leaves that store, and swears she will never go back. Why love? Give up on love. Then she won’t get her heart broken again. She goes into the next store, but all she finds are fake friends. People who pretend to be her friends, but really aren’t. People who get mad at her for stupid reasons. People who are nice to her face, but talk bad about her behind her back. People who treat her like crap to her face. People who just want to burn her. People who never take the time to listen, only talk about themselves. She leaves this store too, and wonders if she might return. Maybe somewhere out there, there’s a real friend waiting for her. She keeps going, goes into the next shop. Inside she finds crosses, Bibles, people worshipping and praying. She wonders if they are crazy. She asks herself how they can believe in something they can’t see. She remembers the time when she was like them, and wonders if she herself was crazy. And then she wonders if she is crazy now for not believing, but she’s not sure what to think. She walks out of the store, wondering if she may return someday. She may stop back, she may not. The next store she walks in is dark and black. She sees memories painted on the walls, memories of her childhood. She sees herself in elementary school, standing on the playground, by herself. She sees herself in junior high, wearing shoes from K-Mart. She feels her pride disappear every time she puts those shoes on, when everyone else is wearing name brand clothes. Tears well up when she remembers the embarrassment. She skips ahead to high school, sitting at the “loser” lunch table. She sees herself being twice the size of the “cool” girls. She hears them laugh at her as she walks by. She sees the one “cool” guy that she has had a crush on since the 7th grade. She sees how he acts towards her, and she remembers him ripping her heart out during senior year. She sees graduation, and remembers knowing her life would never be the same after that. Then, she sees pictures from college. She sees that one person she really relied on turning against her and she remembers how badly she wanted to die. She sees everything begin to fall apart. She needs to get out. She sees her scissors, and wants to cut. She sees the alcohol, and wants to drink until she’s dead. She sees all of the decisions she has made that have made her life the way it is. And she wonders why she ever wanted to come in this store in the first place. She wonders why she would ever want to be in a place that made her feel so horrible. She walks to the door, but it has been locked from the outside. She desperately calls to the people she knows, pounds on the door. She wants out, she wants to get away from this dark place, but she can’t. She’s stuck. She takes her pills, talks to her doctors, but she is still stuck. She needs to figure out the magic code to get out of this place. She wonders after awhile if she will ever get out. Maybe she will, if she can figure it all out. Figure life out. But she can’t figure life out while she’s stuck in here. So she walks upstairs and sits on a couch. She looks around at the pain in all of her friends’ lives, at all of the pain in the world. She realizes her life could be worse. She realizes that if you love someone and they don’t love you back, that you have to keep loving them anyway. She realizes that to have the perfect friend, you have to be the perfect friend. Suddenly she jumps up and goes downstairs, and the door opens. She goes back to the first store, and sees the man who broke her heart. She decides not to stop loving him, because he still needs it whether he knows it or not. She goes to the next store and sees her friends. She decides that she will be a better friend to people, and in return they will be better friends to her. She returns to the third store and sees the cross. She bows her head, and thanks that being for instructing her decision, for encouraging her to show love. Lastly, she returns to the dark store. She looks at the K-Mart shoes, and decides they were cute. She sees herself at the “loser” lunch table, and remembers how much fun she had talking to the people she sat with. She sees the “cool” skinny girls, and she thinks they are putting on a show, but she’s real. She sees her old freshmen year friend in college, and realizes he wasn’t worth her breath, let alone her death. She sees her scissors, and realizes they are for cutting paper, not skin. She sees the alcohol, and realizes it’s just poison. She turns around and turns on the light. She’s somehow figured out life. Be happy with herself, keep smiling, and love like it’s all she’s got to offer.

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