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Buzzards Brigade portray a group of Canoemen and Professional hunters-for hire to traders, forts, and explorers in the early to mid 1700s.


We as Living History Interpreters present a combination of various parts of the Fur Trading business at it was conducted in the Great Lakes areas from the early to mid 1700s.


Our authentically attired members do this through:

  • Lectures

  • Demonstrations

  • A display of numerous items that would have been traded in this area.

  • Questions and answers.

A traveling camp of independent canoemen is set up with Native American styled crafts representing smaller inland freight canoes and hunter Crafts.

Our educational crew consists of up to eight members, all well versed in the time period with a combined reenactment experience of 100 plus years.

If there is  canoeable water, we can transport dignitaries and flags for opening ceremonies and dedications. We do not give rides to the general public.

The experience of our group :

  • All members are experienced in tactical reenactments.

  • 1 Certified Black powder Gunsmith & Manufacturer since 1993

  • 1 MN Volunteer Firearms Safety instructor since 1991.

  • 2 Volunteer IA. Trapping Instructors with 50 + years trapping experience.

  • 1 Historical Silversmith.

  • 2 Working Blacksmiths with a combined experience of 30 + years.

  • 3 members have done Historical canoes trips on the Mississippi River.

  •      1995 Twin Cities to Prairie du Chien, 1 week.

  •      1997 Head waters to Monticello, MN 2 weeks.

The group has six authentically styled Native American crafts.

1 - 18 foot, 2 - 16 foot, 1 - 14 foot, 1 - 13 foot, & 1  - 12 foot.


Mike (Buzzard) Levine

126 Van Buren

P.O. Box 105

Thompson, IA 50478

Phone 641-590-0138

E-mail Buzzards Brigade


Web Rings memberships below