Hey guys! Thanks for visiting my webpage. I dont really like this layout so ill proably make a new one soon. Enjoy..

Love always. .:.Danielle.:.

Name: Danielle

Nicknames: Dani, Yoshi..usually Danielle tho..

Location: Iowa..

Age: almost 14

Birthday: December 19

Appearance: 5'4, blonde, blue eyes..yada yada yada..

Status: Nope..

Email:: Gibmeeacookie@aol.com

AOL:: BrokenWords00


MaeganˇMirsadaˇAzraˇPatty SueˇKatieˇKrystinaˇCourtneyˇ



::Good God:: KoRn

::Crash into me:: DMB

::Here with me:: Dito

::Hell Bent:: Kenna

::Clint Eastwood:: Gorillaz

::Pretty:: Korn

::Crawling:: Linkin Park

::Wait and Bleed:: Slipknot



October 12th- Valley Game

October 20th- Neighborhood game

- .

- .October 31st-Halloween

There will never be another you, another me, another life for us to live, to give each other all we give...Time goes by so fast I wanna make each moment last I wanna hold you close to me, and show you all our love can be, I won't let go too easily...There will never be another you, another me...

Love is not finding the perfect person, it's seeing an imperfect person perfectly.

It's YOU. You mean everything to me...you are the first into my head in the morning when I wake up, my last thought before I go to bed, you smile at me in my dreams, when you are sad I feel sad and when I see your true smile, I feel incredible, like there is no other thing around and all I can see is you.

People say "Oh no she's not in love...She's too young to love", but they don't realize what it's like for me to be looking at you...seeing the world right before my eyes.

You don't love someone because they're beautiful; They're beautiful because you love them.

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