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8 - b i t  l i n k

n e w s
m e d i a
b i o s
p h o t o s
l y r i c s
s h o w s
g u e s t b o o k
l i n k s

8-bit link is made up of Jake Olsen (guitar/vocals), Corey Schink (bass), and Tyler Haahr (drums). We practice at least 5 times a week and make up a new song everytime we get together. Our style is undefined and extremely broad. I'm sure you'll hear alot from us in the future.

8bl news
05.17.03 (7:47 p.m.)

Last night we played at the Westwood Community School talent show and got first place. It was awesome. Everyone was on their feet screaming and cheering us on. We're going to have Corey sing along with Jake now.

05.06.03 (11:16 p.m.)

Fixed some problems in the Media section, some of the files got mixed up when we changed them to MP3 format, so that should be all fixed by the end of the night. Also, we're adding "Jam Session" downloads, of just exactly that, Jam Sessions. Not sure when these will be up, but keep checking.

05.05.03 (9:15 p.m.)

Changed a few little things around on the site, liket his news part, I put it in a table (maybe you've noticed). I'm in the process of converting our sound files to mp3 format I'll have that done for you by the end of the night. 8bl practiced tonight, it went very well and we've started 2 new songs, we might start practicing with Aaron Baurley as a singer soon. We're still practicing with Bode, but we thought it might be more fair to have "try-outs" other than just stick with one person right off the bat. I'll talk at you all later.

05.03.03 (10:05 p.m.)

Alot more stuff has been finished on the site, added a links page and put our upcomming May 30th show that we're hopefully playing in the "Shows" section. Made a new song called "Throw me away again". Made the guestbook open in a new window.

05.02.03 (4:44 p.m.)

Well, we came up with the concept of cleaning away the news each month, but don't worry, you can find it on the new 'news' page if you were so inclined. Well, we decided to go with the fire theme, I think it looks pretty cool, it's not on every page as of right now, but we'll have everything uniform soon enough. have fun! Later.
