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Junkman's Soda Bottles

Welcome to my online photo album I Am an avid painted label soda bottle collector. Here are a few of my bottles. The first one is my favorite one, it is from the Rochester bottling co. It is quite rare, I know of only one other like it.

Rochester Soda Bottle

Here is another great bottle. It is also a rare bottle it is from the CARAVAN'S out of Salisbury, NC. I found this bottle at a flea market in Centerville Mi.


Here are a couple more of my good bottles. The one on the left is an extremely rare bottle and is in "mint" condition. The one on the right has a story behind it. It is from the LBJ ranch whe Lyndon Johnson was Vice President under JFK. President Kennedy was going to Dallas and was susposed to visit the LBJ ranch while in Texas. Johnson had Canada Dry bottle these bottles with Vice Presidential seal on them and on the neck it reads "BOTTLED FOR THE HONORABLE LYNDON B. JOHNSON" We all know the rest of the story about JKF's trip to Dallas. This is also a mint bottle.

Thanks for checking out my site and I will be adding more pictures later.

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AAA Matilda United States

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