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Golgotha was a horrible desolate place. It was a place of darkness, humilation, shame, disgrace, degradation, pain, and ultimately death. The hill Gotgotha is representative of every evil thought or deed a man can imagine. Yet Jesus Christ, God's only begotten son, who knew no sin, did no wrong, and for the purchase of man's salvation, allowed Himself to be taken to this wretched place and be crucified on a cruel Roman cross.

So why did Jesus have to die in this manner? To answer this question, let us examine first what the face of the earth was like before the spirit of God moved upon it in the event born again believers label the creation of the world.

When God began creating the heavens and the earth, the earth was a shapless, chaotic mass...(Genesis 1:2--The Living Bible)

This is exactly the shape of the human soul before it has accepted Jesus as its Lord and Savior. Today's society, has tossed aside the meaning of true love. Now the meaning of love has taken on the equivalent of lying, stealing, murder, conceit, abortion, and cheap sex. The result of all this is hurt, despair, hoplessness, and broken lives. Golgotha is representative of all of this. This is not what God meant for life to be.

The time came when the Lord formed a man's body from the dust of the ground and breathed into it the breath of life and man became a living soul (Genesis 2:7--The Living Bible).

Golgotha represents the the lowest form of existence--"the dust of the ground". The blood of Jesus Christ is the very life and breath of of almighty God. In spite of the world's actions of placing Jesus on the cross, Jesus, His arms literally held open wide makes a vivid statement. "I love you world enough to give you an opportunity to live a full and abundant life". And as Jesus hung on the cross, His blood oozed from His broken body and saturated the dust of Golgotha, givng the human soul the potential to become a living person one more time.

But this is only half of the story. God did not leave Jesus dead and buried. The tomb Christ was buried in is empty. There is no adequate theory as to how this can be other than the fact that He rose from death. Jesus is Alive! And because of this, if a person accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, he or she has hope of an eternal life with Christ and God The Father, and a purpose for living a full and abundant life.

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Background music "It is Finished" written and sung by Bill Gaither and is taken from Bill and Gloria Gaither's CD "The Early Works", track #15.

Special thanks is due to Rebecca Wilson (aka "Dinkeebrat") for her services in helping me contruct this web page. She has had to endure my asking her many questions. Without her help it would have taken considerably longer to construct. Thank You from the bottom of my heart Dinkee.
Roger Bailey
(aka r_rabbit_777 or "the rabbit")