Last Updated: 06/01/04
                       Evan James Farrell &
Jori Ann Joyce

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               Husband: Evan James Farrell
               born: Jun 29,1967               place: Lewiston, NY
               marr: Jul 15,1995               place: Las Vegas, NV

               parents of Evan: James Evan Farrell & Maria Louise Paonessa – marr 1963
               Note: Maria married Ralph Vescio 1978 and took his last name.
               Wife: Jori Ann Joyce / Farrell
               born: Dec 31,1965               place: Elgin, IL - St. Joseph Hospital
               Note: At marriage Jori changed her middle name to her maiden name:
                     Jori Joyce Farrell

               parents: Edward Paul Joyce Jr. and Nancy Lee McKeever
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