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Not Some Quotes From Work


T.R. Quotes :)

"You tell him!"
(after I told Travis to shut the hell up)

"I'll help you hide the body"
(when K. and I threatened to off W.W. if he put her in charge.)

"If we win the lottery tonight..."
(just about every week)

"If you ever decide to write a book about your experiences here, my name will be Ed, OK."
(I'm still trying to figure out what I'd write about in that...)

"If you quit then I'm fired."
(after J.I. told him he was quitting)

"Gimme the money homie or I'll put a cap in your ass."
(to R.S. when he was gonna count him out)

"A cinnamon, Roma Herb pizza. Might be a little different but..."
(He oops'ed)

C. Quotes :)

"Yeah, I guess, if your legs are broken or something"
(when a customer asked if we'd carry the pizza out to them if they came for carryout)

W.W. Quotes :)

"isn't that right?!"
(who knows what she was talking about? Nobody ever listens anyway - just smile and nod)

Nick Quotes :)

"Yeah, when I hear someone say the words "shit" and "Travis" I know what they mean!"
(It's so nice to have him back.)

S.L. Quotes :)

"What world do you live in that you think a man gets to touch his wife?"
(in response to some idiotic thing Travis said)

"Stupid people piss me off"
(after taking a call from an especially brilliant customer)

"I think the college got a batch of idiots this year"
(discussing the freshmen and how stupid they are)

"She just stands around yacking on the phone all night."
(explaining what I do there)

"Knock yourself out Rusty."
(to which I yelled "NO! NO! Let me!")

Nate Quotes :)

"that's a soothing word"
(when I said something was acky)

"I love this song, it's so ... soothing."
(when the Dixie Chicks' "Good-bye Earl" came on)

Travis Quotes :)

"I am NOT an idiot"
(for obvious reasons)

"I say we take him down to the basement and give each person in the store a swing at him with the bat."
(on one of Matt's more obnoxious nights)

"Why do all the inbred people have to call HERE?"
(For once I have to agree with him on something)

"I'd read novels if I knew what the hell they were talking about."
(Um, yeah.)

J.I. Quotes :)

"Travis, Dishes, Now, Bitch!"
(when Travis started getting loud)

"OK, you're fired, but you can't leave till rush is over and you have to come back tomorrow"
(when I asked him to fire me)

"That's nice... take his order."
(when Travis was talking about a customer instead of answering the phone)

"Rape! Rape! Rape! RAPE!!"
(when Travis backed him into a corner.)

K. Quotes :)

"We can hide the body in the basement, nobody will ever know - at least until it starts to stink"
(last time W.W. was put in charge)

R.M. Quotes :)

"would you get me some blue cheese, please?"
(My answer: "no")

J.S. Quotes :)

"Damn that's hot!"
(after touching a pan he should have known was hot - since he just took it out of the oven)

Customer Quotes :)

"But a one topping pizza is just cheese! ... I don't understand what you're trying to say!"
(One of our smarter customers - I tried to explain the concept of the pizza already having cheese on it but...)

"I'd like a large pepperoni pizza."
(My favorite response to the question "could I have your phone number please?")

"I want pepperoni."
(In response to "What kind of crust to you want?")

Matt Quotes :)

"He's kind of a weird guy huh?"
(talking about Travis)

"Try not to drop an extra large tonight"
(is such a smartass!)

E.P. Quotes :)

"It's because I'm black isn't it."
(no it's not, it's cuz he's got a shitty attitude.)

"Are you in a good mood or a bad mood tonight... If you don't know then I'm just going to leave you alone."
(I think he's afraid of me - or maybe just me when I'm in a bad mood.)

Greg Quotes :)

"Man, I got white crap all over me."

Jake Quotes :)

"Wanna make out?"
(to Rusty)

Group Quotes :)

"I'll give you permission to beat him with the bat"
(practically everyone in the store last time I asked if I could hit R.S.)

"Honestly, who would want to see that?"
(about half the people there whenever the subject of a certain employee stripping comes up - yucky!)

Tom (from Subway) Quotes:)

"I don't know why he got so mad!"
(after picking up the key to the bathroom, tossing it to me, then going back to making the guy's sandwich... the guy walked out.)

"It was buzzing."
(When asked why he turned off the buzzer for the oven causing 3 dozen cookies to charcoalize)

"I didn't realize there was a step stool thing back here."
(After asking a customer if he could use his chair to stand on when he put ice in the pop machine.)

"So, am I done now?"
(After making tuna salad without the mayo.)

"Cough cough."
(Onto some guy's sandwich.)

Steph (from Subway) Quotes:)

"I had to work with the village idiot last night."
(Talking about Tom.)

Catherine (from Subway) Quotes:)

"That's OK, I hate working with Tom, he just makes more work for me to do."
(after Tom didn't show up for work one night.)

"A tornado chased me to work today!"
(I guess it was an under acheiver.)

"I thought a cow was gonna get me on my way to work today. Crazy farm animals... Crazy chickens."

"How's it going, Baby?"
(I think she calls everyone baby.)

"Feel my legs! They're fuzzy."
(After not shaving for a while.)

Kate (from Subway) Quotes:)

"Tom's not gonna live past tomorrow. Catherine's gonna kill him."
(To bad he didn't show up... I would have said it was an accident.)

"I love this song. Matt hates it cuz I call him my brown eyed girl."
(Can you guess the song?)

"Oh, yeah, well Boy George is my boyfriend so I don't care."
(When Ryan said he lost respect for some band when he heard that they're gay.)

"I love Duran Duran. They're my favorite band. And guess what I just discovered... E-bay!"
(Poor Matt.)

Erin (from Subway) Quotes:)

"Come on Jason, get down with me! Let loose, have a little fun!"
(Trying to get Jason to dance... it didn't work.)

Jason (from Subway) Quotes:)

"You off now?"
(I think he was trying to get rid of me.)

"So why don't you take the food out of the dishes before you put them in the sink?"
(When Erin said all that stuff in the drain cover was gross.)

"If all the stupid people were dead, how would we know who the smart people are?"
(Logical no?)

Cindy (from Subway) Quotes:)

"All thawed is gone."
(she talks english good.)

Ryan (from Subway) Quotes:)

"Can I go out and have a smoke now?"
(Every 5 minutes or so.)

"Put me down as doing something."
(As he stood around on his crutches and did nothing. We marked him down as the one who took the trash out.)

Val (from Subway) Quotes:)

"You go girls!"
(Apparently she's proud of our customers for being twins.)

"Wow, look at you work! You go girl!"
(As she stood and watched Kate work.)

"It's just glorified browny points."
(Her reason for not so much as marking off what she'd done on our to-do list.)

"You're being awefully bossy!"
(I told her to move her arm.)

"You're hired!"
(Talking to some little girl who she said was polite... she'd never fit in.)

Darla (from Subway) Quotes:)

"Angel, do you have a problem working with me?"
(I sooo wanted to say yes...)

Bobbie Jo (from Subway) Quotes:)

"Angel, I'm gonna miss you when you're gone, with you're quietness... unlike all these other loud mouthy people who are leaving."
(I'm sure she will.)

"Don't let these guys talk you into watering the plants... they're fake."
(The first time I was there without either manager there.)

Customer Quotes(from Subway) :)

"Well my liscense number is my Social Security number and I don't give that out."
(After writing a check he gets mad about rules we didn't write.)

"Are you new here?"
(To me on one of my better days... 3 months after I started there)

Mike Quotes(from Dean's) :)

"I thought we had a bunch of bladders over here... see all I have is one used bladder."
(fixing the machine?)

Ron Quotes(from Dean's) :)

"Nipple, I need a nipple... Oh, I have a nipple over here."
(Also fixing the machine?)

"See this one's gonna go in the nipple..."
(It's almost like havin Em around again)

Gary Quotes(from TM) :)

"OK, now I'll wrap the holy cow."
(nativity scene fun)

"If you bring me one more lamp I am going to kill you!"
(right before I brought him another lamp)