about me
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About Me

Hi, my name is name is Chuc Huynh. For those who
doesn't know me, this page will tell you a
little bit about myself. For those who does, then
see how much you already know=) you might
be suprised, or not:)hihihihi

Name: Huy`nh Thi. Hu*~u Chu'c

Nick: Cathy, Pink, Ho^`ng, Cho^'(can only be called
by my siblings:), and Tru'c.

Born: DDo^`ng Nai, VN

fav. color: pink, and baby blue

Family: 3 sis, 3 bro, and parents

Fav. food: Vietnamese food(but not all)

Sport: soccer, volleyball, swimming,
basketball, dda' ca^`u, badminton,
and almost all other sports.

Song: "My Destiny"

Book: Harry Potter books

Free time: draw, read, hang out w/friends, listen to music,
making this homepage:) hihihi (not all the time:),
and write letters to my friends.

Like: flowers, traveling, learning,
and partying:)hihihihi(who doesn't?)

Dislike: snakes, caterpillar, and other things

I can't think of right now

This is all I can think of about myself, if you want
something added in please let me know. Just email me
tocathy99@yahoo.com. Now that you know a little about myself,
let's check out the rest of my homepage and see what else
I've got for you, shall we?:)