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The Super Gladiator was designed in 2042 by the REF as a new Destroid Design needed for really close combat. It looks like a cross between the REF Gladiator (See Robotech II: The Sentinels) , RDF Gladiator (See Robotech Main Book) , and the RDF Crusader Prototype (See Robotech RPG Book 8: Strike Force). It is a prototype equipped with a shoulder mounted Particle Beam Cannon, the prototype Lightning Claws system, along with the traditional RDF Gladiator style arms, arm mounted Heavy Lasers mounted on the side of the fore arms, and 2 shoulder mounted pods, one containing 14 Short Range Missiles, the other containing a new TZ-V Gun Cluster with a Heavy Laser, Autocannon, Plasma Flamethrower, and 1 Mini Missile Launcher containing 10 Mini Missiles. It is equipped with a Right Arm mounted Arm Shield and a Pin Point Barrier. It also has a cloaking device and an improved version of the Hologram system used on the Crusader, only this version is more 3-D, unfortunetly both the Cloaking and the Hologram System is exspensive to produce. The overall exspensises of the Super Gladiator would make production very limited, probably 1 out of every 100 Destroids, and both systems are currently OPTIONAL. Fortunetly the Super Gladiator is becoming a very poupuler design for Recon and Ambush Missions and will probably see mass production in a limited scale soon.


Type: Close Combat and Special Assault/Ambush Destroid Crew: 1, but can accomidate 3

MDC By Location:

*Sensor Head: 50

Arm Shield: 300

Shoulder Mounted TZ-V Gun Cluster: 70 each

Forearm Heavy Laser Cannons(2): 40 each

Shoulder Mounted SRM Launcher: 150

Legs(2): 250 each

Feet(2): 100 each

Arms(2): 175 each

Hands(2): 120 each

Reinforced Pilots Compartment: 150

**Main Body: 445

*Destruction of the Main Body will shut down the mecha.

Speed: Running: 70mph

Leaping: 15ft

Height: 41ft

Width: 31ft

Length: 28ft

Weight: 37 tons

Cargo: Storage for 1 Cyclone normally, but can fit 2.

Main Engine: Protoculture Reactor, estimated 12 year life.


1. FOREARM HEAVY LASERS (2): These are small unnoticable cannons on the side of the arms behind the hands. They are only capable of straight ahead line of fire. (whichever way the the forearms are facing).

Primary Purpose: Assault

Secondary Purpose: Anti-Mecha

Range: 4000ft

Mega-Damage: 4D6. per single blast or 8D6 M.D. per dual blast fired at one target.

Rate of Fire: 4 Times per melee.

Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

2.TZ-V GUN CLUSTER: Mounted on the right chest pod of the Super Gladiator. It is made up of 1: A Heavy Laser, 2: 40mm Autocannon, 3: Plasma Flamethrower, and 4: 10 round Mini Missile Launcher.

Primary Purpose: Assault

Secondary Purpose: Anti Mecha

Range: Heavy Laser 4000ft

40mm Autocannon: 4500ft

Plasma Flamethrower: 75ft

Mini Missile Launcher: Varies with Missile Type

Heavy Laser: Does 4D6 per blast, can fire up to 4 times per melee.

40mm Autocannon: Does 3D6 Short Burst, 6D6 Long Burst, and 1D6X10 per full melee burst. Can fire up to 4 times per melee, or 2 Long Bursts, or 1 Full Melee Bursts.

Plasma Flamethrower: Normal Blast does 1D4X10, and Full melee does 2D6X10, every round the plasma is on the target, it suffers 4D6 per round, and will continue to suffer damage until the plasma is scrapped off, which takes 2 melees and the hands will take 2D6 Mega Damage. Can fire 2 normal shots per melee, or 1 Full Melee.

Mini Missile Launcher: Damage varies with missile type. Can carry any type of Mini Missile.Can fire 1 at a time up to 4 times per melee.

Payload: 40mm Autocannon: Enough ammo for 40 short bursts, 20 Long Bursts and 10 Full Melee Bursts.

Heavy Laser: Unlimited

Plasma Flamethrower: 5 min of constant firing (40 normal blasts. 20 full melee blasts.

3: SHORT RANGE MISSILE LAUNCHER mounted on the Right Shoulder Pod of the Super Gladiator. Same as the RDF Gladiators, except it holds more missiles.

Purpose: Assault

Secondary Purpose: Anti Mecha.

Range: Varies

Damage: Varies

Rate of Fire: 1-14 missiles.

Type of Missile: Any Short Range Missile.

Payload: 15

: CADS-4 LIGHTNING CLAWS are equipped on the wrists of Super Gladiator. When activated, they extend and a force field surrounds the claws. They have Unlimited MDC when on, 30 per claw when off. They are part of the Gladiator and can't be taken off. (unless of course you chop the forearm off)

Primary Purpose: Chop everything to Hell Assault.

Range: The Mechas arm reach plus 8ft.

Damage: One Swipe does 6D6, a Punch does 1D6x10, a Power Swipe/Punch does 2D6X10, but takes 2 attacks. Number of Attacks: As many times as the pilot has attacks.

Payload: Unlimited, they draw energy from the Gladiator itself.

MDC of each claw: Unlimited with the energy field, 20 each if the energy field is down.

Hand to Hand attacks same as RDF Gladiator.


1: SHADOW CLOAKING DEVICE(OPTIONAL): The same as in the VAF-7A Shadow Fighter (see Book 5: Invid Invasion, or Sentinals.)

2: HOLOGRAPHIC IMAGING SYSTEM(RARE BUT OPTIONAL): This is an improved version of the holographic system in the Crusader. It has a 180 degree angle on the front and works equally well underwater, space, jungle, desert, grassland, urban, and tundra. Radar will still detect the Super Gladiator if the Cloaking device is offline, as will Heat Sensors if the Gladiator is on or hasnt had 30min of cool down time after being shut down, and motion. Theres a 95% chance normally that the system will fool the naked eye. Underwater it's 75% effective, strong currents make it 60%. In blizzards or sandstorms, Theres only a 40% chance the device will fool anybody However usally the ttorm blinds them enough to not see the Gladiator, so the storm adds 30% for a total of 70%. Touching the projection will automaticly prove its a fake, as will shooting through it. If the main body has taken 300 MDC damage, theres a 50% chance the system will fail.

3: ARM SHIELD AND PIN POINT BARRIERequipped on the right arm of the Super Gladiator, The shield is made of super strong materical and can deflect almost anything easily. The Pin Point Barrier is generated from the Main Body and can take 50 MDC and regenerates at 25 MDC per melee. If destroyed it regenerates to Full MDC in 2 Melees. It is about 10X10ft and can be placed anywhere on the Super Gladiator. If the main body has taken 300 MDC, the PPB is useless.

4: Sealed Cockpit that allows operation in all enviorments without special equipment.

