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Well, here it is. As of 11/23/2000 I've had my new layout up. Feel free to email me and tell me what you think. I will try to work to get my old stuff back on the web, but that takes time, and who has that?

For the desktop wallpapers, click scenes on the top menu bar. Virtual room is a collection of images I made. It is a 3D representation of my room that I made a while back. I've just recently added the Links, Contact, and About sections.

Note: Some images are not loading correctly. This is due to my web service's servers. I have personally checked all of the links, and the images ARE there, so if your browser says that it can't load the images, simply right click it and select "Show Picture". I regret this temporary inconvenience. I am in the process of relocating my site elsewhere.

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Since 11/23/2000 people have visited this site.