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Expansion Encounters
"Expansion of Spirit and Time in '99"

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If you prefer to read this online, you will find it as "October, 1999"

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Autumn Greetings!

To receive a special greeting

If you cannot open that card, here is an alternative

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No recommends were received this month so we will run the contest one more time! Tell your friends!

Win a FREE book by Dusty Reed! Here's how it works. Tell all your friends to visit my site and to send me an email, stating their "favorite" page (at my site) and who sent them! The one (of you) who receives the most recommends will receive my book, "Life Now" - described with excerpts at BOOKS

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From the book, "This is Life," by Dusty Reed:

"Being happy with life daily is the only way to go. Tolerating the unfavorables is not necessary. Enjoying life now expresses how to accept and live with only favorables and shoo away or give no recognition to the unfavorables. It has taken practice to live this life style but it is worth it and the practice is fun.

My world is only as I perceive it. My methods may not be right for you. If you are willing to experience them, you may discover some pleasant surprises. Awareness may open doors that are significant.

Understanding may bring
a division of thoughts
With others
and with myself.

Understanding is sorting
the desired from the undesired.
Once I understand,
I can choose."

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My fairyland, Seattle, has a castle in the pink clouds of sunset. Looking across the distance of sparkling water, hearing the fog horns of the ferries travelling across the Sound, seeing the expanse of Nature from 500 ft up, at the Space Needle, watching various kinds of ships coming and going through the locks, and many other delightful sights all bring overflowing joy bubbles as memories of childhood vacations flood into memory.

Since our last family reunion, some have gone to be with the Lord. Their physical presence is missed. I am sure they shared in the joy of being with all of us.

Some of our family is currently experiencing health opportunities. I lift them daily in bubbles of Love and Light.

The enchantment of Seattle draws me into its essence of magic. Feeling it! Breathing it! The salt sea air permeates my being. Joy bubbles abound and the memories will last a lifetime!

If you care to take a peek, you can read the agenda of my trip. There are pictures included so it may take a bit loading.

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My most recent writing is molding into completion. The book is entitled, Listening and Connecting as One. Here is an excerpt

The book I wrote ten years ago, Dear Sunny, dealt with how to communicate. Since it was written, I have learned more, simply by practicing. Staying attentive and learning as I share and listen to others continues to offer expansion in meaningful communication.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to my learning: my family, Sunny, everyone who has talked with or written to me, and even those I have listened to or read your written works!

If you care to place an order, email Dusty. You will receive a copy of Listening and Connecting as One within 2 weeks after I receive your payment.

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I delight in learning! Internet has opened such an array of personal philosophies! Here are just a few that I think are special:





(Contact Kim - he's a delight!)

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Energy is best generated
by putting forth energy;
Whether it be active or passive,
physical exertion or
conscious thought.
Energy gains power
by putting forth energy:
Think a thought
Pen to paper
Brush to canvas
Take a step
Touch toes
Pick up something.
Take action;
Stimulate energy.

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It would be fun to hear what each of you plans to do as a special celebration into the year 2000! If you care to share, I will include them (anonymous, if you choose) in the next issue of Expansion Encounters.

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Enjoy every moment to the fullest! - Dusty

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