A Toreador Bahari's Domain

I am sure there are plenty of pople out there who have just accidentally bumped into this page and are wondering why I am referring to myself with labels from a roleplaying game. These labels have become used throughout the vampiric community, and besides being at least a somewhat accurate guide to personality, they are known and accepted, so that I do not have to stop and explain myself with every third word. Do I sound concieted and self serving? That's to be expected frm a member of my clan, and my friends will tell you that I readily admit my own arrogance. For those of you who are curious, this is NOT a roleplaying site, though I do use gaming terms. I intend no challenge of copyright, and suggest that for more information on the Toreador or the Bahari that you should seek out the many sites dedicated to White Wolf gaming. Now that that nonsense is over with, I can get into the fun stuff. I am not one of the undead or immortal beings made famous by literature and movies, but a sort of a halfbreed between one of these creatures and a normal, if psychic, human being. I do require blood to keep from becoming ill and weak, and will go into a violent and uncontrollable rage if denied it for too long. Thank the Dark Mother that this only happened once after I was changed/incepted/embraced/brought across/infected/whatever....choose your own term, and even then my victim was a possum. (insert disgusted remarks, giggles and horrified glares here, if you wish). I feed only from willing donors who consent to monthly blood tests at my expense and refrain from using drugs other than those prescribed by a doctor. I have no fangs,although the muscles to control retractable canines have begun to develop, and prefer clean and sterile scalpels. I do not use hypodermics as I haven't the training in hematology to trust myself. My donors are never under 18, and I do not condone the use of unwilling or underage donors in any circumstances....buy a feeder mouse form the pet store if you are that desperate! Please explore as you wish, but realize that this page is still under heavy construction. I will be adding and updating for as long as I am capable of typing or dragging a mouse.

Areas to Explore

My views on Lilith
My clan
The rest of the areas on my page
A close friend with a cool site

Email: saboankh@hotmail.com