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News and Information

    Recently, people have been contacting me with questions and information they want promoted. As a result, I give you this page.  Any news or information regarding "Roswell" and related matters that I am aware of will be posted here. If you have a question or something you'd like posted, please e-mail me, and I'll do my best.^^

"Roswell" Next Season (Fall 2001)
"Roswell" has moved netwroks; beginning in the fall of 2001, it will be airing on UPN, Tuesdays, at 9PM.

Any rumor on this page called such is, by my sources, uncomfirmed, and should be treated as such.  I am not  promoting anything posted on this page; I am only a source of information. If you have a piece of "Roswell"-related news you would like posted, please e-mail me. Thank you.