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Alliance Papers
Alliance Papers
Would you like your Guild to be Allies with us? If so, just copy the contract below, and paste it here. It will be returned to both parties, once fully signed and approved.

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RhyDin's Legacy & Your guild name here


I, GC's Name, hereby pledge Your guild name, to be allies with RhyDin's Legacy. We will assist them in times of need, help, want, and whatever else that we may be of aid to our new ally. Each member of our allie's guild shall be treated with the same respect and dignity that we treat our own members with. We will not expect any less from them as well. We trust that neither will give out the roster of the other. If they are found to be given out to anyone outside of the two guilds it will be considered treason and the alliance will be broken and there will be a great deal for the GC's to work out to see if it may be allied once again or a war. If there is ever a problem that occurs between two members of the allie's that can not be resolved by the two it will go into the hands of the GC's to work out.

Your guild name GC Signature:X____________X Date:____________.
Screen name:X_______________X
RhyDin's Legacy GC Signature:X____________X Date:_____________.
