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Pokemon and Moves

Last changed: 29th December, 1998: Elwen Skye's L34 magmar sighting confirmed.
Note: I prefer to catch the lowest levels and this list reflects this preference. Let me know if you catch anything of lower level.
[ Top | 020 | 040 | 060 | 080 | 100 | 120 | 140 | Bottom ]

001 ---+       Bulbasaur    GraPoi HM: 1; TM
002 ---)--+    Ivysaur      GraPoi HM: 1; TM
003 ---)--)--+ Venusaur     GraPoi HM: 1; TM
       |  |  |
    >  5 .. .. Tackle       Normal 35
    >  5 .. .. Growl        Normal 40
       7 .. .. Leech Seed   Grass  10
      13 .. .. Vine Whip    Grass  10
    - 16 ----------------------------
      20 22 .. Poisonpowder Poison 35
      27 30 .. Razor Leaf   Grass  25
    ---- 32 -------------------------
      34 38 43 Growth       Normal 40
      41 46 55 Sleep Powder Grass  15
      48 54 65 Solarbeam    Grass  10

004 ---+       Charmander   Fire   HM: 1 4; TM
005 ---)--+    Charmeleon   Fire   HM: 1 4; TM
006 ---)--)--+ Charizard    FirFly HM: 1 4; TM
       |  |  |
    >  5 .. .. Scratch      Normal 35
    >  5 .. .. Growl        Normal 40
       9 .. .. Ember        Fire   25
      15 .. .. Leer         Normal 30
    - 16 ----------------------------
      22 24 .. Rage         Normal 20
      30 33 .. Slash        Normal 20
    ---- 36 -------------------------
      38 42 46 Flamethrower Fire   15
      46 56 55 Fire Spin    Fire   15 Yes, it's 46 56 55

007 ---+       Squirtle     Water  HM: 3 4; TM
008 ---)--+    Wartortle    Water  HM: 3 4; TM
009 ---)--)--+ Blastoise    Water  HM: 3 4; TM
       |  |  |
    >  5 .. .. Tackle       Normal 35
    >  5 .. .. Tail Whip    Normal 30
       8 .. .. Bubble       Water  30
      15 .. .. Water Gun    Water  25
    - 16 ----------------------------
      22 24 .. Bite         Normal 25
      28 31 .. Withdraw     Water  40
    _    36 -------------------------
      35 39 42 Skull Bash   Normal 15
      42 47 52 Hydro Pump   Water   5

010 ---+       Caterpie     Bug    HM: .; TM
011 ---)--+    Metapod      Bug    HM: .; TM
012 ---)--)--+ Butterfree   BugFly HM: .; TM
       |  |  |
    >  3 .. .. Tackle       Normal 35
    >  3 .. .. String Shot  Bug    40
    > ..  5 .. Harden       Normal 30 Captured metapods only
    -  7 ----------------------------
    ---- 10 -------------------------
      .. .. 12 Confusion    Psi    25
      .. .. 15 Poisonpowder Poison 35
      .. .. 16 Stun Spore   Grass  30
      .. .. 17 Sleep Powder Grass  15
      .. .. 21 Supersonic   Normal 20
      .. .. 26 Whirlwind    Normal 20
      .. .. 32 Psybeam      Psi    20

013 ---+       Weedle       BugPoi HM: .; TM
014 ---)--+    Kakuna       BugPoi HM: .; TM
015 ---)--)--+ Beedrill     BugPoi HM: 1; TM
       |  |  |
    >  3 .. .. Poison Sting Poison 35
    >  3 .. .. String Shot  Bug    40
    > ..  4 .. Harden       Normal 30 Captured kakunas only
    -  7 ----------------------------
    ---- 10 -------------------------
      .. .. 12 Fury Attack  Normal 20
      .. .. 16 Focus Energy Normal 30
      .. .. 20 Twineedle    Bug    20
      .. .. 25 Rage         Normal 20
      .. .. 30 Pin Missile  Bug    20
      .. .. 35 Agility      Psi    30

016 ---+       Pidgey       NorFly HM: 2; TM
017 ---)--+    Pidgeotto    NorFly HM: 2; TM
018 ---)--)--+ Pidgeot      NorFly HM: 2; TM
       |  |  |
    >  2 .. .. Gust         Normal 35
       5 .. .. Sand-Attack  Normal 15
      12 .. .. Quick Attack Normal 35
    - 18 ----------------------------
      19 21 .. Whirlwind    Normal 20
      28 31 .. Wing Attack  Fly    35
    _    36 -------------------------
      36 40 44 Agility      Psi    30
      44 49 54 Mirror Move  Fly    20

019 ------+    Rattata      Normal HM: .; TM
020 ------)--+ Raticate     Normal HM: .; TM
          |  |  
       >  2 .. Tackle       Normal 35
       >  2 .. Tail Whip    Normal 30
          7 .. Quick Attack Normal 30
         14 .. Hyper Fang   Normal 15
       - 20 -------------------------
         23 27 Focus Energy Normal 30
         34 41 Super Fang   Normal 10

021 ------+    Spearow      NorFly HM: 2; TM
022 ------)--+ Fearow       NorFly HM: 2; TM
          |  |  
       >  3 .. Peck         Fly    35
       >  3 .. Growl        Normal 40
          9 .. Leer         Normal 30
         15 .. Fury Attack  Normal 20
       - 20 -------------------------
         22 25 Mirror Move  Fly    20
         29 34 Drill Peck   Fly    20
         36 43 Agility      Psi    30

023 ------+    Ekans        Poison HM: 4; TM
024 ------)--+ Arbok        Poison HM: 4; TM
          |  |  
       >  6 .. Wrap         Normal 20
       >  6 .. Leer         Normal 30
         10 .. Poison Sting Poison 35
         17 .. Bite         Normal 25
       - 22 -------------------------
         24 27 Glare        Normal 30
         31 36 Screech      Normal 40
         33 47 Acid         Poison 30

025 ------+    Pikachu      Elec   HM: 5; TM
026 ------)--+ Raichu       Elec   HM: 5; TM
          |  |  
       >  3 .. Thundershock Elec   30
       >  3 .. Growl        Normal 40
          9 .. Thunder Wave Elec   20
         16 .. Quick Attack Normal 30
         26 .. Swift        Normal 20
         33 .. Agility      Psi    30
         43 .. Thunder      Elec   10 -- My L100 (from L3) Raichu shrugs

027 ------+    Sandshrew    Ground HM: 1 4; TM
028 ------)--+ Sandslash    Ground HM: 1 4; TM
          |  |  
       >  6 .. Scratch      Normal 35
         10 .. Sand-Attack  Normal 15
         17 .. Slash        Normal 20
       - 22 -------------------------
         24 27 Poison Sting Poison 35
         31 36 Swift        Normal 20
         38 47 Fury Swipes  Normal 15

029 ---+       Nidoran (F)  Poison HM: . .; TM
030 ---)--+    Nidorina     Poison HM: . .; TM
031 ---)--)--+ Nidoqueen    PoiGro HM: 3 4; TM
       |  |  |
    >  2 .. .. Growl        Normal 40
    >  2 .. .. Tackle       Normal 35
       8 .. .. Scratch      Normal 35
      14 .. .. Poison Sting Poison 35
    - 16 ----------------------------
      21 23 .. Tail Whip    Normal 30
      .. .. 23 Body Slam    Normal 15
      29 32 .. Bite         Normal 25
      36 41 .. Fury Swipes  Normal 15
      43 50 .. Double Kick  Fight  30

032 ---+       Nidoran (M)  Poison HM: . .; TM
033 ---)--+    Nidorino     Poison HM: . .; TM
034 ---)--)--+ Nidoking     PoiGro HM: 3 4; TM
       |  |  |
    >  2 .. .. Leer         Normal 30
    >  2 .. .. Tackle       Normal 35
       8 .. .. Horn Attack  Normal 25
      14 .. .. Poison Sting Poison 35
    - 16 ----------------------------
      21 23 .. Focus Energy Normal 30
      .. .. 23 Thrash       Normal 20
      29 32 .. Fury Attack  Normal 20
      36 41 .. Horn Drill   Normal  5
      43 50 .. Double Kick  Fight  30

035 ------+    Clefairy     Normal HM: 4 5; TM
036 ------)--+ Clefable     Normal HM: 4 5; TM
          |  |  
       >  8 .. Pound        Normal 35
       >  8 .. Growl        Normal 40
         13 .. Sing         Normal 15
         18 .. Doubleslap   Normal 10
         24 .. Minimize     Normal 20
         31 .. Metronome    Normal 10
         39 .. Defense Curl Normal 40
         48 .. Light Screen Psi    30

037 ------+    Vulpix       Fire   HM: .; TM
038 ------)--+ Ninetales    Fire   HM: .; TM
          |  |  
       > 15 .. Ember        Fire   25
       > 15 .. Tail Whip    Normal 30
         16 .. Quick Attack Normal 30
         21 .. Roar         Normal 20
         28 .. Confuse Ray  Ghost  10
         35 .. Flamethrower Fire   15
         42 .. Fire Spin    Fire   15

039 ------+    Jigglypuff   Normal HM: 4 5; TM
040 ------)--+ Wigglytuff   Normal HM: 4 5; TM
          |  |  
       >  3 .. Sing         Normal 15
          9 .. Pound        Normal 35
         14 .. Disable      Normal 20
         19 .. Defense Curl Normal 40
         24 .. Doubleslap   Normal 10
         29 .. Rest         Psi    10
         34 .. Body Slam    Normal 15
         39 .. Double-Edge  Normal 15

041 ------+    Zubat        PoiFly HM: .; TM
042 ------)--+ Golbat       PoiFly HM: .; TM
          |  |  
       >  6 .. Leech Life   Bug    15
         10 .. Supersonic   Normal 20
         15 .. Bite         Normal 25
         21 .. Confuse Ray  Ghost  10
       - 22 -------------------------
         28 32 Wing Attack  Fly    35
         36 43 Haze         Ice    30

043 ---+       Oddish       GraPoi HM: 1; TM
044 ---)--+    Gloom        GraPoi HM: 1; TM
045 ---)--)--+ Vileplume    GraPoi HM: 1; TM
       |  |  |
    > 12 .. .. Absorb       Grass  20
      15 .. .. Poisonpowder Poison 35
      17 .. .. Stun Spore   Grass  30
      19 .. .. Sleep Powder Grass  15
    - 21 ----------------------------
      24 28 .. Acid         Poison 30
      33 38 .. Petal Dance  Grass  20
      46 52 .. Solarbeam    Grass  10

046 ------+    Paras        BugGra HM: 1; TM
047 ------)--+ Parasect     BugGra HM: 1; TM
          |  |  
       >  8 .. Scratch      Normal 35
         13 .. Stun Spore   Grass  30
         20 .. Leech Life   Bug    15
       - 24 -------------------------
         27 30 Spore        Grass  15
         34 39 Slash        Normal 20
         41 48 Growth       Normal 40

048 ------+    Venonat      BugPoi HM: .; TM
049 ------)--+ Venomoth     BugPoi HM: .; TM
          |  |  
       > 24 .. Tackle       Normal 35
       > 24 .. Disable      Normal 20
       > 24 .. Poisonpowder Poison 35
         27 .. Leech Life   Bug    15
         30 .. Stun Spore   Grass  30
       - 24 -------------------------
         35 38 Psybeam      Psi    20
         38 43 Sleep Powder Grass  15
         43 50 Psychic      Psi    10

050 ------+    Diglett      Ground HM: .; TM
051 ------)--+ Dugtrio      Ground HM: .; TM
          |  |  
       > 15 .. Scratch      Normal 35
       > 15 .. Growl        Normal 40
         19 .. Dig          Ground 10
         24 .. Sand-Attack  Normal 15
       - 26 -------------------------
         31 35 Slash        Normal 20
         40 47 Earthquake   Ground 10

052 ------+    Meowth       Normal HM: .; TM
053 ------)--+ Persian      Normal HM: .; TM
          |  |
       > 10 .. Scratch      Normal 35
       > 10 .. Growl        Normal 40
         12 .. Bite         Normal 25
         17 .. Pay Day      Normal 10
         24 .. Screech      Normal 40
       - 28 -------------------------
         33 37 Fury Swipes  Normal 15
         44 51 Slash        Ground 20

054 ------+    Psyduck      Water  HM: 3 4; TM
055 ------)--+ Golduck      Water  HM: 3 4; TM
          |  |
       > 15 .. Scratch      Normal 35
         28 .. Tail Whip    Normal 30
         31 .. Disable      Normal 20
       ---- 33 ----------------------
         36 39 Confusion    Psi    25
         43 48 Fury Swipes  Normal 15
         52 59 Hydro Pump   Water   5

056 ------+    Mankey       Fight  HM: 4; TM
057 ------)--+ Primeape     Fight  HM: 4; TM
          |  |
       > 10 .. Scratch      Normal 35
       > 10 .. Leer         Normal 30
         15 .. Karate Chop  Normal 25
         21 .. Fury Swipes  Normal 15
         27 .. Focus Energy Normal 30
       ---- 28 ----------------------
         33 37 Seismic Toss Fight  20
         39 46 Thrash       Normal 20

058 ------+    Growlithe    Fire   HM: .; TM
059 ------)--+ Arcanine     Fire   HM: .; TM
          |  |
       > 15 .. Bite         Normal 25
       > 15 .. Roar         Normal 20
         18 .. Ember        Fire   25
         23 .. Leer         Normal 30
         30 .. Take Down    Normal 20
         39 .. Agility      Psi    30
         50 .. Flamethrower Fire   15

060 ---+       Poliwag      Water  HM: 3 .; TM
061 ---)--+    Poliwhirl    Water  HM: 3 4; TM
062 ---)--)--+ Poliwrath    WatFig HM: 3 4; TM
       |  |  |
    > 10 .. .. Bubble       Water  30
      16 .. .. Hypnosis     Psi    20
      19 .. .. Water Gun    Water  25
      25 .. .. Doubleslap   Normal 10
    + 25 ----------------------------
      31 33 .. Body Slam    Normal 15
      38 41 .. Amnesia      Psi    20
      45 49 .. Hydro Pump   Water   5

063 ---+       Abra         Psi    HM: 5; TM
064 ---)--+    Kadabra      Psi    HM: 5; TM
065 ---)--)--+ Alakazam     Psi    HM: 5; TM
       |  |  |
    >  6 .. .. Teleport     Psi    20
    - 16 ----------------------------
      .. 16 .. Confusion    Psi    25
      .. 20 20 Disable      Normal 20
      .. 27 27 Psybeam      Psi    20
      .. 31 31 Recover      Normal 20
      .. 38 38 Psychic      Psi    10
      .. 42 42 Reflect      Psi    20

066 ---+       Machop       Fight  HM: 4; TM
067 ---)--+    Machoke      Fight  HM: 4; TM
068 ---)--)--+ Machamp      Fight  HM: 4; TM
       |  |  |
    > 15 .. .. Karate Chop  Normal 25
      20 .. .. Low Kick     Fight  20
      25 .. .. Leer         Normal 30
    - 28 ----------------------------
      32 36 36 Focus Energy Normal 30
      39 44 44 Seismic Toss Fight  20
      46 52 52 Submission   Fight  25

069 ---+       Bellsprout   GraPoi HM: 1; TM
070 ---)--+    Weepinbell   GraPoi HM: 1; TM
071 ---)--)--+ Victreebell  GraPoi HM: 1; TM
       |  |  |
    > 12 .. .. Vine Whip    Grass  10
    > 12 .. .. Growth       Normal 40
      13 .. .. Wrap         Normal 20
      15 .. .. Poisonpowder Poison 35
      18 .. .. Sleep Powder Grass  15
      21 .. .. Stun Spore   Grass  30
    + 21 ----------------------------
      26 29 .. Acid         Poison 30
      33 38 .. Razor Leaf   Grass  25
      42 49 .. Slam         Normal 20

072 ------+    Tentacool    WatPoi HM: 1 3; TM
073 ------)--+ Tentacruel   WatPoi HM: 1 3; TM
          |  |
       >  5 .. Acid         Poison 30
          7 .. Supersonic   Normal 20
         13 .. Wrap         Normal 20
         10 .. Poison Sting Poison 35
         22 .. Water Gun    Water  25
         27 .. Constrict    Normal 35
       - 30 -------------------------
         33 .. Barrier      Psi    30
         40 .. Screech      Normal 40
         48 .. Hydro Pump   Water   5

074 ---+       Geodude      RocGro HM: 4; TM
075 ---)--+    Graveler     RocGro HM: 4; TM
076 ---)--)--+ Golem        RocGro HM: 4; TM
       |  |  |
    >  7 .. .. Tackle       Normal 35
      11 .. .. Defense Curl Normal 40
      16 .. .. Rock Throw   Rock   15
      21 .. .. Selfdestruct Normal  5
    - 25 ----------------------------
      26 29 29 Harden       Normal 30
      31 36 36 Earthquake   Ground 10
      36 43 43 Explosion    Normal  5

077 ------+    Ponyta       Fire   HM: .; TM
078 ------)--+ Rapidash     Fire   HM: .; TM
          |  |
       > 28 .. Ember        Fire   25
         30 .. Tail Whip    Normal 30
         32 .. Stomp        Normal 20
         35 .. Growl        Normal 40
         39 .. Fire Spin    Fire   15
       - 40 -------------------------
         43 47 Take Down    Normal 20
         48 55 Agility      Psi    30

079 ------+    Slowpoke     WatPsi HM: 3 4 5; TM
080 ------)--+ Slowbro      WatPsi HM: 3 4 5; TM
          |  |
       > 15 .. Confusion    Psi    25
         18 .. Disable      Normal 20
         22 .. Headbutt     Normal 15
         27 .. Growl        Normal 40
         33 .. Water Gun    Water  25
       - 37 -------------------------
       + .. 37 Withdraw     Water  40
         40 47 Amnesia      Psi    20
         48 55 Psychic      Psi    10

081 ------+    Magnemite    Elec   HM: 5; TM
082 ------)--+ Magneton     Elec   HM: 5; TM
          |  |
       > 21 .. Tackle       Normal 25
       > 21 .. Sonicboom    Normal 20
         25 .. Thundershock Elec   30
         29 .. Supersonic   Normal 20
       - 30 -------------------------
         35 38 Thunder Wave Elec   20
         41 46 Swift        Normal 20
         47 54 Screech      Normal 40

083 ---------+ Farfetch'd   NorFly HM: 1 2; TM
          >  3 Peck         Fly    35
          >  3 Sand-Attack  Normal 15
             7 Leer         Normal 30
            15 Fury Attack  Normal 20
            23 Swords Dance Normal 30
            31 Agility      Psi    30
            39 Slash        Normal 20

084 ------+    Doduo        NorFly HM: 2; TM
085 ------)--+ Dodrio       NorFly HM: 2; TM
          |  |
       > 18 .. Peck         Fly    35
         20 .. Growl        Normal 40
         24 .. Fury Attack  Normal 20
         30 .. Drill Peck   Fly    20
       - 31 -------------------------
         36 39 Rage         Normal 20
         40 45 Tri Attack   Normal 10
         44 51 Agility      Psi    30

086 ------+    Seel         Water  HM: 3 4; TM
087 ------)--+ Dewgong      WatIce HM: 3 4; TM
          |  |
       > 28 .. Headbutt     Normal 15
         30 .. Growl        Normal 40
       - 34 -------------------------
         35 35 Aurora Beam  Ice    20
         40 44 Rest         Psi    10
         45 50 Take Down    Normal 20
         50 56 Ice Beam     Ice    10

088 ------+    Grimer       Poison HM: .; TM
089 ------)--+ Muk          Poison HM: .; TM
          |  |
       > 30 .. Pound        Normal 35
       > 30 .. Disable      Normal 20
       > 30 .. Poison Gas   Poison 40
         33 .. Minimize     Normal 20
         37 .. Sludge       Poison 20
       - 38 -------------------------
         42 45 Harden       Normal 30
         48 53 Screech      Normal 40
         55 60 Acid Armor   Poison 40

090 ------+    Shellder     Water  HM: 3; TM
091 ------)--+ Cloyster     WatIce HM: 3; TM
          |  |
       > 15 .. Tackle       Normal 35
       > 15 .. Withdraw     Water  40
         18 .. Supersonic   Normal 20
         23 .. Clamp        Water  10
         30 .. Aurora Beam  Ice    10
         39 .. Leer         Normal 30
         50 .. Ice Beam     Ice    10
         .. 50 Spike Cannon Normal 15

092 ---+       Gastly       GhoPoi HM: .; TM
093 ---)--+    Haunter      GhoPoi HM: .; TM
094 ---)--)--+ Gengar       GhoPoi HM: 4; TM
       |  |  |
    > 18 .. .. Lick         Ghost  30
    > 18 .. .. Confuse Ray  Ghost  10
    > 18 .. .. Night Shade  Ghost  15
    - 25 ----------------------------
      27 29 29 Hypnosis     Psi    20
      35 38 38 Dream Eater  Psi    15

095 ---------+ Onix         RocGro HM: 4; TM
          > 12 Tackle       Normal 35
          > 12 Screech      Normal 40
            15 Bind         Normal 20
            19 Rock Throw   Rock   15
            25 Rage         Normal 20
            33 Slam         Normal 20
            43 Harden       Normal 30

096 ------+    Drowzee      Psi    HM: 5; TM
097 ------)--+ Hypno        Psi    HM: 5; TM
          |  |
       >  9 .. Pound        Normal 35
       >  9 .. Hypnosis     Psi    20
         12 .. Disable      Normal 20
         17 .. Confusion    Psi    25
         24 .. Headbutt     Normal 15
       - 26 -------------------------
         29 33 Poison Gas   Poison 40
         32 37 Psychic      Psi    10
         37 43 Meditate     Psi    40

098 ------+    Krabby       Water  HM: 1 3 4; TM
099 ------)--+ Kingler      Water  HM: 1 3 4; TM
          |  |
       > 15 .. Bubble       Water  30
       > 15 .. Leer         Normal 30
         20 .. Vice Grip    Normal 30
         25 .. Guillotine   Normal  5
       - 28 -------------------------
         30 34 Stomp        Normal 20
         35 42 Crabhammer   Water  10
         40 49 Harden       Normal 30

100 ------+    Voltorb      Elec   HM: 5; TM
101 ------)--+ Electrode    Elec   HM: 5; TM
          |  |
       > 14 .. Tackle       Normal 35
       > 14 .. Screech      Normal 40
         17 .. Sonicboom    Normal 20
         22 .. Selfdestruct Normal  5
         29 .. Light Screen Psi    30
       - 30 -------------------------
         36 40 Swift        Normal 20
         43 50 Explosion    Normal  5

102 ------+    Exeggcute    GraPsi HM: .; TM
103 ------)--+ Exeggutor    GraPsi HM: 4; TM
          |  |
       > 23 .. Barrage      Normal 20
       > 23 .. Hypnosis     Psi    20
         25 .. Reflect      Psi    20
         28 .. Leech Seed   Grass  10
         .. 28 Stomp        Normal 20
         32 .. Stun Spore   Grass  30
         37 .. Poisonpowder Grass  35
         42 .. Solarbeam    Grass  10
         48 .. Sleep Powder Grass  15

104 ------+    Cubone       Ground HM: 4; TM
105 ------)--+ Marowak      Ground HM: 4; TM
          |  |
       > 20 .. Bone Club    Ground 20
       > 20 .. Growl        Normal 40
         25 .. Leer         Normal 25
       - 28 -------------------------
         31 33 Focus Energy Normal 30
         38 41 Thrash       Normal 20
         43 48 Bonemerang   Ground 10
         46 55 Rage         Normal 20

106 ---------+ Hitmonlee    Fight  HM: 4; TM
          > 30 Double Kick  Fight  30
          > 30 Meditate     Psi    40
            33 Rolling Kick Fight  15
            38 Jump Kick    Fight  25
            43 Focus Energy Normal 30
            48 Hi Jump Kick Fight  20
            53 Mega Kick    Normal  5

107 ---------+ Hitmonchan   Fight  HM: 4; TM
          > 30 Comet Punch  Normal 15
          > 30 Agility      Psi    30
            33 Fire Punch   Fire   15
            38 Ice Punch    Ice    15
            43 Thunderpunch Elec   15
            48 Mega Punch   Normal 20
            53 Counter      Fight  20

108 ---------+ Lickitung    Normal HM: 1 3 4; TM
          > 23 Wrap         Normal 20
          > 23 Supersonic   Normal 20
          > 23 Defense Curl Normal 20
            31 Slam         Normal 20
            39 Screech      Normal 40

109 ------+    Koffing      Poison HM: .; TM
110 ------)--+ Weezing      Poison HM: .; TM
          |  |
       > 30 .. Tackle       Normal 35
       > 30 .. Smog         Poison 20
         32 .. Sludge       Poison 20
       - 35 -------------------------
         37 39 Smokescreen  Normal 20
         40 42 Selfdestruct Normal  5
         45 49 Haze         Ice    30
         48 53 Explosion    Normal  5

111 ------+    Rhyhorn      GroRoc HM: . 4; TM
112 ------)--+ Rhydon       GroRoc HM: 3 4; TM
          |  |
       > 24 .. Horn Attack  Normal 25
         30 .. Stomp        Normal 20
         35 .. Tail Whip    Normal 30
         40 .. Fury Attack  Normal 20
       - 42 -------------------------
         45 48 Horn Drill   Normal  5
         50 55 Leer         Normal 30
         55 64 Take Down    Normal 20

113 ---------+ Chansey      Normal HM: 4 5; TM
          > 23 Pound        Normal 35
          > 23 Doubleslap   Normal 10
            24 Sing         Normal 15
            30 Growl        Normal 45
            38 Minimize     Normal 20
            44 Defense Curl Normal 40
            48 Light Screen Psi    30
            54 Double-Edge  Normal 15

114 ---------+ Tangela      Grass  HM: 1; TM
          > 28 Constrict    Normal 35
          > 28 Bind         Normal 20
            29 Absorb       Grass  20
            32 Poisonpowder Poison 35
            36 Stun Spore   Grass  30
            39 Sleep Powder Grass  15
            45 Slam         Normal 20
            49 Growth       Normal 40

115 ---------+ Kangaskhan   Normal HM: 3 4; TM
          > 25 Comet Punch  Normal 15
          > 25 Rage         Normal 20
            26 Bite         Normal 25
            31 Tail Whip    Normal 30
            36 Mega Punch   Normal 20
            41 Leer         Normal 30
            46 Dizzy Punch  Normal 10

116 ------+    Horsea       Water  HM: 3; TM
117 ------)--+ Seadra       Water  HM: 3; TM
          |  |
       > 15 .. Bubble       Water  30
         19 .. Smokescreen  Normal 20
         24 .. Leer         Normal 30
         30 .. Water Gun    Water  25
       - 32 -------------------------
         37 41 Agility      Psi    30
         45 52 Hydro Pump   Water   5

118 ------+    Goldeen      Water  HM: 3; TM
119 ------)--+ Seaking      Water  HM: 3; TM
          |  |
       > 10 .. Peck         Fly    35
       > 10 .. Tail Whip    Normal 30
         19 .. Supersonic   Normal 20
         24 .. Horn Attack  Normal 25
         30 .. Fury Attack  Normal 20
       - 33 -------------------------
         37 39 Water Fall   Water  15
         45 48 Horn Drill   Normal  5
         54 54 Agility      Psi    30

120 ------+    Staryu       Water  HM: 3 5; TM
121 ------)--+ Starmie      WatPsi HM: 3 5; TM
          |  |
       > 15 .. Tackle       Normal 35
         17 .. Water Gun    Water  25
         22 .. Harden       Normal 30
         27 .. Recover      Normal 20
         32 .. Swift        Normal 20
         37 .. Minimize     Normal 20
         42 .. Light Screen Psi    30
         47 .. Hydro Pump   Water   5

122 ---------+ Mr. Mime     Psi    HM: 5; TM
          >  6 Confusion    Psi    25
          >  6 Barrier      Psi    30
            23 Light Screen Psi    30
            31 Doubleslap   Normal 10
            39 Meditate     Psi    40
            47 Substitute   Normal 10

123 ---------+ Scyther      BugFly HM: 1; TM
          > 25 Quick Attack Normal 30
          > 25 Leer         Normal 30
          > 25 Focus Energy Normal 30
          > 25 Double Team  Normal 15
            29 Slash        Normal 20
            35 Swords Dance Normal 30
            42 Agility      Psi    30

124 ---------+ Jynx         IcePsi HM: .; TM
          > 23 Pound        Normal 35
          > 23 Lovely Kiss  Normal 10
          > 23 Lick         Ghost  30
          > 23 Doubleslap   Normal 10
            31 Ice Punch    Ice    15
            39 Body Slam    Normal 15
            47 Thrash       Normal 20
            58 Blizzard     Ice     5

125 ---------+ Electabuzz   Elec   HM: 4 5; TM
          > 36 Quick Attack Normal 30
          > 36 Leer         Normal 30
          > 36 Thundershock Elec   30
            37 Scratch      Normal 40
            42 Thunderpunch Elec   15
            49 Light Screen Psi    30
            54 Thunder      Elec   10

126 ---------+ Magmar       Fire   HM: 4; TM
          > 34 Ember        Fire   25
            36 Leer         Normal 30
            39 Confuse Ray  Ghost  10
            43 Fire Punch   Fire   15
            48 Smokescreen  Normal 20
            52 Smog         Poison 20
            55 Flamethrower Fire   15

127 ---------+ Pinsir       Bug    HM: 1 4; TM
          > 20 Vice Grip    Normal 30
            25 Seismic Toss Fight  20
            30 Guillotine   Normal  5
            36 Focus Energy Normal 30
            43 Harden       Normal 30
            49 Slash        Normal 20
            54 Swords Dance Normal 30

128 ---------+ Tauros       Normal HM: 4; TM
          > 26 Tackle       Normal 25
          > 26 Stomp        Normal 20
            28 Tail Whip    Normal 30
            35 Leer         Normal 30
            44 Rage         Normal 20
            51 Take Down    Normal 20

129 ------+    Magikarp     Water  HM: . .; TM
130 ------)--+ Gyarados     WatFly HM: 3 4; TM
          |  |
       >  5 .. Splash       Normal 40
         15 .. Tackle       Normal 35
       - 20 -------------------------
         .. 20 Bite         Normal 25
         .. 25 Dragon Rage  Dragon 10
         .. 32 Leer         Normal 30
         .. 41 Hydro Pump   Water   5
         .. 52 Hyper Beam   Normal  5

131 ---------+ Lapras       WatIce HM: 3 4; TM
          > 15 Water Gun    Water  25
          > 15 Growl        Normal 40
            16 Sing         Normal 15
            20 Mist         Ice    30
            25 Body Slam    Normal 20
            31 Confuse Ray  Ghost  15
            38 Ice Beam     Ice    10
            46 Hydro Pump   Water   5

132 ---------+ Ditto        Normal HM: .; TM
          > 26 Transform    Normal 10

133 ------+    Eevee        Normal HM: .; TM
134 ------)--+ Vaporeon     Water  HM: 3; TM
          |  |
       > 25 .. Tackle       Normal 35
       > 25 .. Sand-Attack  Normal 15
         27 27 Quick Attack Normal 30
         31 .. Tail Whip    Normal 30
         .. 31 Water Gun    Water  25
         37 .. Bite         Normal 25
         .. 37 Tail Whip    Normal 30
         .. 40 Bite         Normal 25
         .. 42 Acid Armor   Poison 40
         .. 44 Haze         Ice    30
         45 .. Take Down    Normal 20
         .. 48 Mist         Ice    30
         .. 54 Hydro Pump   Water   5

133 ------+    Eevee        Normal HM: .; TM
135 ------)--+ Jolteon      Elec   HM: 5; TM
          |  |
       > 25 .. Tackle       Normal 35
       > 25 .. Sand-Attack  Normal 15
         27 27 Quick Attack Normal 30
         31 .. Tail Whip    Normal 30
         .. 31 Thundershock Elec   30
         37 .. Bite         Normal 25
         .. 37 Tail Whip    Normal 30
         .. 40 Thunder Wave Elec   20
         .. 42 Double Kick  Fight  30
         .. 44 Agility      Psi    30
         45 .. Take Down    Normal 20
         .. 48 Pin Missile  Bug    20
         .. 54 Thunder      Elec   10

133 ------+    Eevee        Normal HM: .; TM
136 ------)--+ Flareon      Fire   HM: .; TM
          |  |
       > 25 .. Tackle       Normal 35
       > 25 .. Sand-Attack  Normal 15
         27 27 Quick Attack Normal 30
         31 .. Tail Whip    Normal 30
         .. 31 Ember        Fire   25
         37 .. Bite         Normal 25
         .. 37 Tail Whip    Normal 30
         .. 40 Bite         Normal 25
         .. 42 Leer         Normal 30
         .. 44 Fire Spin    Fire   15
         45 .. Take Down    Normal 20
         .. 48 Rage         Normal 20
         .. 54 Flamethrower Fire   15

137 ---------+ Porygon      Normal HM: 5; TM
          > 18 Tackle       Normal 35
          > 18 Sharpen      Normal 30
          > 18 Conversion   Normal 30
            23 Psybeam      Psi    20
            28 Recover      Normal 20
            35 Agility      Psi    30
            42 Tri Attack   Normal 10

138 ------+    Omanyte      RocWat HM: 3; TM
139 ------)--+ Omastar      RocWat HM: 3; TM
          |  |
       > 30 .. Water Gun    Water  25
       > 30 .. Withdraw     Water  40
         34 .. Horn Attack  Normal 25
         39 .. Leer         Normal 30
       - 40 -------------------------
         46 44 Spike Cannon Normal 15  Yup, believe your eyes
         53 49 Hydro Pump   Water   5

140 ------+    Kabuto       RocWat HM: 3; TM
141 ------)--+ Kabutops     RocWat HM: 3; TM
          |  |
       > 30 .. Scratch      Normal 35
       > 30 .. Harden       Normal 30
         34 .. Absorb       Grass  20
         39 .. Slash        Normal 20
       - 40 -------------------------
         44 46 Leer         Normal 30
         49 53 Hydro Pump   Water   5

142 ---------+ Aerodactyl   RocFly HM: 2; TM
          > 30 Wing Attack  Fly    35
          > 30 Agility      Psi    30
            33 Supersonic   Normal 20
            38 Bite         Normal 25
            45 Take Down    Normal 20
            54 Hyper Beam   Normal  5

143 ---------+ Snorlax      Normal HM: 3 4; TM
          > 30 Headbutt     Normal 15
          > 30 Amnesia      Psi    20
          > 30 Rest         Psi    10
            35 Body Slam    Normal 15
            41 Harden       Normal 30
            48 Double-Edge  Normal 15
            56 Hyper Beam   Normal  5

144 ---------+ Articuno     IceFly HM: 2; TM
          > 50 Peck         Fly    35
          > 50 Ice Beam     Ice    10
            51 Blizzard     Ice     5
            55 Agility      Psi    30
            60 Mist         Ice    30

145 ---------+ Zapdos       EleFly HM: 2 5; TM
          > 50 Thundershock Elec   30
          > 50 Drill Peck   Fly    20
            51 Thunder      Elec   10
            55 Agility      Psi    30
            60 Light Screen Psi    30

146 ---------+ Moltres      FirFly HM: 2; TM
          > 50 Peck         Fly    35
          > 50 Fire Spin    Fire   15
            51 Leer         Normal 30
            55 Agility      Psi    30
            60 Sky Attack   Fly     5

147 ---+       Dratini      Dragon HM: 3 .; TM
148 ---)--+    Dragonair    Dragon HM: 3 .; TM
149 ---)--)--+ Dragonite    Dragon HM: 3 4; TM
       |  |  |
    > 15 .. .. Wrap         Normal 20
    > 15 .. .. Leer         Normal 30
    > 15 .. .. Thunder Wave Elec   20
      20 .. .. Agility      Psi    30
      30 .. .. Slam         Normal 20
    - 30 ----------------------------
      40 45 .. Dragon Rage  Dragon 10
      50 55 .. Hyper Beam   Normal  5
    ---- 55 -------------------------

150 ---------+ Mewtwo       Psi    HM: 4 5; TM
          > 70 Swift        Normal 20
          > 70 Psychic      Psi    10
          > 70 Barrier      Psi    30
          > 70 Recover      Normal 20
            75 Mist         Ice    30
            81 Amnesia      Psi    20

151 ---------+ Mew (Only when there's a non-cheat way to get it)
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