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   69) 12/5/2000:  Timothy Clark has found himself the proud owner of a QfG: Interactive tee-shirt.  It will have the graphic from the main page as well as the URL on the front of it.  He won the QfG: Interactive Third Ever Contest!  Results will be up shortly.
   68) 10/30/2000:  Happy Halloween!   Of course, a continuous Happy Birthday to QfG: Interactive, which turns the big three this month.  It almost seems appropriate with Halloween tomorrow that QfG: Interactive, filled with its own slew of ghouls and haunts turns four this month.   I just learned that we're not the only one celebrating.  The internet's number one movie site (and my personal favorite), The Internet Movie Database,  turns ten this month!  Oooo!  Now that's commitment.   Perhaps seven years from now, we'll find this site still up.  I can only hope.   Some mixed news today.  I took down the voting booths at the Casting Call because of three reasons:  The forms have been acting up.  Quite troublesome.   People don't seem to vote beyond the main cast.  They don't vote for any of the villains or supporting cast, etc.  Lastly, people have told me that there are so many good combinations that they end up voting for them all!
   67) 10/3/2000:  It being October, I don't know if any of you realize but QfG: Interactive has been on the internet for 3 whopping years!  As far as I know, it is the oldest site on the net (that's still being updated)!  Of course, this is no minor matter so I'm celebrating by giving you all a treat.  Drum roll please...The new Fighter story is up!  This one is called Pervasive Spirit and should be a lot of fun to write to!  Access it here.  On a bad note, for some reason I can't get the Villains section of the casting call to tally votes correctly.
   66) 9/8/2000: Great news! I fixed the Voting Forms for the QfG: Movie, so everything should be working. Since Response-O-Matic was acting up, I decided to go with EchoWeb on this one. Hopefully the pictures work correctly, too! Also, Tim Clark has recieved a much deserved and long-awaited No-Prize! Lastly, if you noticed, I debugged the *pop-up* explanations on this page.
   65) 9/5/2000: As I'm sure most of you noticed, the casting call is a little unhealthy right now, but there is now a link that leads to a page where the pictures should work. Try it out and tell me how that goes. Also, Tim Clark has recieved a much deserved and long-awaited No-Prize!
   64) 8/25/2000: Great news! Today, the newly improved Legacy Casting Call was posted. It hosts many of the original casting call and a whopping 12 new character combinations! If you've ever wanted to see a QfG movie, this is it!. And (drum roll, please) a new CONTEST! Check it out because you casting call lovers are going to love this contest too!
   63) 8/18/2000:  Things are going pretty well at the university (yes, the Demon Master is forcing me to go to college). So far, updates to the site are going on unhindered. Therefore, anyone wanting to submit a chapter can feel free to do so...though for now I have to go back to editing through HTML.
   62) 08/15/2000:  Unfortunatly the Demon Master still has ahold of me and won't let me do much...but I snuck up 3 chapters today. I put up three chapters today and they could very well be the last three chapters for some time.   You see, I am starting college as of 08/16/2000 and I may not have much time in the comming days to make frequent updates.  I think my university is plotting against me with that confounded Demon Wizard.  CONFOUNDED, I tell you!  But, fret not.   There is an abundence of computers and labs so I should be able to re-continue updates should anything prevent me in the first place!
   61) 08/10/2000:   Ok, here's the deal.  I was sitting at the computer, playing QfGIII: Wages of War, when suddenly I got a funny feeling in my fingertips!  Before I knew it, the DEMON MASTER had taken over my body!  He trapped me in this news section and I can't seem to get out...but I'm trying hard.  So if you see a big ugly face floating around, beat him up for me.  HE'S TAKEN OVER THE ENTIRE SITE!!!  Read Disaster Area Chapter 17 for more details.  Of course, you can refer to the chapter map as well, to get the full story.
08/1/2000: Obviously a major change has occured in QfG: Interactive. The entire layout has been totally redesigned for a much cooler look. I even employed a bit of JavaScript! It's really slow right now, so I am going to try to work on that. The EGG now allows you to submit entries without writing a story. The contest winner has been announced! Congratulations Eattus Hottus Leaddus! Your rant will be featured this month. The next contest is in the works right now expect it in about two weeks. For the first time in a long time, a links page has been established.
   59) 05/04/2000: I hope the page loads faster!
It better. After all, I decreased the file size of the main images about 90%! Not bad if I do say so myself...and I do. More and more interest is gaining in this site. This means that I'm working really hard to keep up. Maybe I should get an assistant. Tell me what you think in the message board. Hopefully I'll have the new story up by summer (only a few days left of school for me).
   58) 04/28/2000: Down to a few stories once again. Of course that usually means I get flooded with a billion more (or so). At least that's the way it seems. I've made over the site a little so hopefully it will load a tad faster. Sounds good, eh?
   57) 04/25/2000: Stories are being posted kind of slow because my connection is not exactly at it's prime. It transmits about 10kbps on a good day, and it's supposed to be a 33.6kbps connection...and I have a 56kbps modem. Things are not good. Aside from that, if the flow of stories ever stops, I may actually get that new one up. Good news is that the comments fields are being used a little more now. Bad news is, there hasn't been a new rant in over two months. I'll keep working hard.
   56) 04/19/2000: The stories are still comming!
Not that I'm complaining. I mean it's nice. I just wish I had the time to keep up with it all. I get it down to three in the queue and all of a sudden I'm bombarded with five more! Whew! It's been quite a ride. By the way, my birthday is two days past, so happy birthday to me!
   55) 03/29/2000: Holy Moley Part III! Yeah they just keep on a-commin'. And the worst part? My errors. Thanks to a bug check by one of our members (discreetly listed as our latest "No-Prize" winner), a wealth (yes a wealth) of errors that I had made were found. How's that for service, eh? Thus, I didn't have enough time to get a whole lot of new chapters up today. Big thanks once again, Stephen! Oh yeah, and I've started dating the announcements!
   55) 03/28/2000: Holy Moley Part II! My guess is that right about now is Spring Break Month around the globe because new stories just keep pouring in! I, once again, ask you for your patience while I labor arduously to get these stories up. Whoo doggy! Once things slow down, I've got a surprise for some of you, so keep comming back.
   55)Holy Moley! It figures! The week that I'm gone and helpless to put up any chapters for the site is the week I get flooded with FIFTEEN new stories! Please have patience with me getting these up, it's going to take me a while.
   54)Because Leap Day is kinda wierd,
I decided to be a little wierd and post my newest Random Rant a day early (You know, since this is SUPPOSED to be March 1st). Also, since this is Oscar month, this rant has nothing to do with Quest for Glory, but rather my very own OSCAR picks! Don't worry though, the regular themed QfG Random Rants will be back next month.
   53)The contest winner has been announced. And from one right into another! A new contest has replaced the former one. Hopefully it is one that people can get into a little bit more. Sound good? OK! Go see it!
   52)This month's random rant
is up! It's another one in the tradition of the wacky humor of Erroneus Pimple.
   51)First order of business
is the new No Prize that has been awarded! Merry Christmas to Sean Tai who has been awarded one of those prizes for creativity; the first no-prize given in quite some time. Second order of business is the fact that various minor updates have occured. Check out the rules for a few minor revisions. A few more pages have been moved over to angelfire including the rules, the spells (which have yet to be update as well), the chapter briefs (which have been fixed), the no-prizes, and the web rings.
   50)Check out the fan fiction
because a new one is up. It's an informative an odd kind of way! I have officially become "Y2K complient." It was a relatively cheap and painless task. The "Page last updated" just above this message used to look like this: "12/13/99" but now looks like it currently does. And that's about the extent of my Y2K problems.
   49)Lots of updates going on today! A new rant is up so go check it out for this month: "The Battle of the Bads." Also, two new fan fiction stories have been written, one of them quite eccentric, the other one is yet another musical parody that you might like. Also, for those of you interested in new chapters, Chapter 11 has been added to the "Disaster Area" story. Now go at it!