Ocheyedan ARC Pin Trader
Me and the Red Cross
It is not hard to see things that are wrong in this world of ours,
the real trick is figuring out how to make things right.
Things get done, when people who see a need, pitch in and
work together to do the job. That's why people volunteer,
and that's how I got involved with the American Red Cross.
It has been a rewarding time, and satisfying work, in large part
due to the wonderful people that you meet along the way, and
also the oppertunity to learn to see the world for another
point of view.

Over the years I have collected jobs, titles, and pins.
While the jobs and titles are nice at the time, they don't last,
that's the nice thing about pins, and my collection began without
even noticing it, as memories of people, places jobs and titles.
I think I have had just about every job at the chapter level,
(including several terms as chapter chariman) and
several at the territorial level, and once, even served on the
ARC National Resolutions Comittee. I have worked in most areas,
from firstaid to SMF, but my niche seems to have been Disater Services
where I enjoyed being a Family Service Specialist and Disaster Instructor.

My collection has had a useful purpose as well, for along the way,
someone gave me a map of the USA and said, "I wonder if you could
get a pin from every state?" So it began, and it became a wonderful
prop to use when speaking about the Red Cross, and how working together
we can accomplish much. It was not too hard to collect pins from all
the states, but there are so many chapter pins, that every mastering
such a collection seems daunting. I thought I might be able to complete
a set of national pins, and that might serve as a tool for talking about
the history of the Red Cross, but it will be some time before it gets complete.
I am also working on collecting the medals of other Red Cross organizations,
each country has its own, and there is an incredible story to be told through these
medals - if you have a medal, esecially from a foreign coutry, I would love to hear
from you - perhaps I can help in identification, so send a jpg along.
You can write to me
My name is Richard Jordan, and I am Pastor at Zion Lutheran Church,
in Ocheyedan, Iowa.
You can find out more about me & my interests
My Red Cross Pin Trading Stock
American Red Cross - National Pins
arc volunteer'1918 service medal
arc small malvina hoffmann service Picture
arc swim and stay fit 50 miles Picture
1946-75 advanced lifesaving Picture
1946-75 senior lifesaving Picture
arc transplantation services Picture
1950-82 arc home nursing Picture
1950-82 arc home nursing instructor Picture
1987 arc saf&v Picture
1945 domestic service [lrg] Picture
1945 domestic service [small] Picture
1968-83 arc youth Picture
1973 arc first aid instructor Picture
arc direct approach Picture
1986 disaster relief 100% Picture
1986 disaster relief 150%
1986 disaster relief 200%
1981 arc centenial roll call Picture
1942-45 arc bronze blood pin Picture
5 year metal bar Picture
10 year metal bar Picture
15 year metal bar Picture
1964-82 10 years Picture
1964-82 10 years Picture
1964-82 30 years Picture
1982 volunteer
1982 5 years
arc exceptional volunteer
arc board member
1986 arc identification
arc nurse enrollment
redcross cutout old Picture
midwest ops Picture
eartern ops Picture
arc information services Picture
arc finance dept Picture
arc amcross Picture
arc 1988 convention full steam ahead Picture
Volunteer Service Pins
(revised = the post 1946 version of the pin)
arc volunteer' Picture
arc staff assistance Picture
arc staff assistance Picture
arc nurse aid Picture
arc canteen Picture
arc canteen [revised] Picture
arc production Picture
arc production [revised] Picture
arc general enrollment Picture
arc motor corps Picture
American Red Cross - Chapter Pins
nyc apple Picture
orange county blood services Picture
orange county Picture
orange county 25 years Picture
sierra nevada slot machine Picture
chicago midamerica tower Picture
region 1 territory 5 heart 1991 conference Picture
mississippi blue state outline
mid ohio valley chapter 75th aniversary Picture
carolina leadership conference Picture
International Red Cross Pins
East German Red Cross
German Red Cross Faithful Service Pin Gold Picture
German Red Cross Faithful Service Pin Silver Picture
German Red Cross Faithful Service Pin Bronze Picture
German Red Cross Medical Orderly Pin Gold Picture
German Red Cross Medical Orderly Pin Silver Picture
German Red Cross Medical Preparedness Pin Gold Picture
German Red Cross Medical Preparedness Pin Silver Picture
German Red Cross Nursing Service Pin Gold Picture
German Red Cross Nursing Service Pin Silver Picture
German Red Cross Nursing Service Pin Bronze Picture
Things I am looking for
1920 Life Saving Corps Medallion
1918 Foreign Serice Medal
1942-81 20 year bar [no stars]
1942-81 40 year bar [no stars]
also year bars for 45, 50, 55, 60 years
and many other older national pins
I also have an interest in foreign medals & pins
a catalog for pin identification, not trading
If you would like to trade Red Cross pins, you can write to me
Thanks for visiting, look forward to hearing from you
Shirley Powers, Volunteer Red Cross Historian, and Pin lady,
and author of the ARC Pin guide can be found
You can Find Another Nice ARC Pin Trader
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is yet another!
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