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I was born Angela, one day before ground hog's day, on the United States' bicentennial (get out your calendars and history books)...

*I heart Sean*

This is my knight in shining armor. He's my hero and my oh-so-lovely husband.

"How much do you love him?" one might ask...well, I say, "Monkey arms" length.

These are pictures of a few of his tattoos...The one on his right arm is two praying angels facing each other (his favorite singer has it). The other is a cartoon-like image that reminded him of me. His left arm has an image representing and created by another one of his favorite bands. And, of course, he had my name in "kid's blocks" and our son's name above that. He's got others too that are posted on the pictures page. He absolutely hates me taking his picture, so I don't know if I'll ever get all of his tats on here.

My Mind: Sylvia Plath wrote my favorite book, I also read the dictionary, the phonebook, directions on how to get anywhere, because I almost get lost walking out my front door...I'll basically read anything and everything...except newspapers...I'm allergic to how poorly written they are.

Musical likes: Yes, I like music...a lot of different music (who cares), but I'll just list Siouxsie & The Banshees and The Creatures.

Odds&Ends: I've been a vegetarian for over 15 years. I live and die for witty people and humility...and a person who brought me a single pathetic beautiful napkin (that would be Sean).

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