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    Thanks for checking this page out. I've been working on my web pages for a couple of years now, but please keep in mind I taught myself html. I could've used the basic editors, but I didn't like the way they turned out. I have gotten help from a few people, and if you want to write in HTML I highly suggest you visit this page: The Darth Vader's Home Page I assure you it has nothing to do with Star Wars. It will tell how to do everything in HTML, except how to put a picture on either side of your text. You have to write the image links align=right and align=left next to each other, an then write the text. But perhaps you don't care about HTML and now you are lost. I'll get back on track.

    I've found that everyone has different opinions on how a web page should look. Some don't care, and some think that everyone who can make a web page is awesome. Personally, I think everyone who can make a web page is awesome. I do have a pet peeve though. Those who always have a page that never changes from "Under Construction" to something constructed. I also hate links that don't work properly, (blush, okay my buttons weren't working but I DID FIX THEM!) especially those that are a link to another part of the page you are looking at. And graphics that don't work are a bummer too. Well, anyway, my page says "Under Construction" and it probably will for a long time. But, I still have something on my page other than those few words. I always wondered why no one would work on their page, and just leave up the construction words. Now I know.

    You see, knowing nothing about the internet or uploading pages, I always wrote my page on the world wide web. Talk about a lot of busy signals. Well, I've come to learn that you are supposed to write your web page on your desktop, using whatever program, and than upload the file. If you write your page on the web, unless you are using a basic editor, people will think you're weird. If you know nothing of web pages you are probably wondering what a basic editor is. If you sign up for Angelfire or Geocities which are free web hosts, you will get a basic editor option. If you choose it, it asks you questions, you answer and it builds your page for you. It's easy, but you are very limited. Right now I am writing this page in HTML Assistant Pro 3, from my program files in the C: drive of my computer. You can write your page in Notepad or Word if you have HTML memorized. Or a cheat sheet. I can't remember what some of my other friends were using, something that came with Window's 98. Doesn't help me since I'm still on Window's 95. Anyway, the people with "Under Construction" sites could be working on their pages everyday all day, it's just that they are doing it behind your back on their desktop. You have to upload the file, or write it on the internet for other people to be able to see it right away. I had a friend with wonderful pages, but I could never see them from my house. She never put them on the web! Also, a boy who was writing the web pages for my high school (I'm alumni now), showed me the pages he was making. I wondered why I couldn't see the page from the net, and it was because he was using a desktop program to write the page. You're probably also wondering what "uploading" is. It's just the process of making the site you have on a computer go onto the internet when it wasn't there before.

    Ok, I'll shut up about the process of writing a web page. Anyway, when I first made this site all my poetry was on one page. I did it like that because I found links confusing. I couldn't figure out what was a separate web page, and what was the same web page. I had to write a paper reviewing web sites, and I had no idea what URL I was supposed to site. Also, I had no idea if I had found what I was looking for. The reason I changed my site to more than one page is because someone recommended I did that so people could concentrate on the poem more. I explained that I didn't do that because it was confusing, but when I went to his web site it was just so easy to understand that I changed my mind. Well now I've met someone else who thinks the poems should be on one page. I'm going back to my original theory that more than one page is just to hard. It's way to hard to edit 60 some extra pages, even with cut and paste. Everyone agrees that the poems should be separated in an obvious fashion, so hopefully that is how my page will look when it's done. And because one of my goals is to make the page easy to understand, that is why there are explanations on how to do everything.

    If you are confused like me on how to site a web page, you just have to site the home page as the site. Usually people who have more than one page keep the same background and text color so you know it's still there page, but if not there will be only minor variances in the address that you clicked into if it's still their page. Example: my home page url is "" Than this page is "". The only thing that changed was the word index to the word html. If you are reviewing my site and look at the page, you just have to write down the index address. Also, if you don't know what information you need to site a web address here it is: You need the title, usually found at the top of the page. If not, the button at the bottom of the screen will have the title written on it. Example: my web page title is "Woodra Nymph's Poetry" You need the author. Yeah right. No one gives themselves credit. If this is the case just write "unknown". You just have to look for the name of the author of the page on the page. Example: the author of my web page is "Woodra Nymph". And last, you need the date it was last edited. Big yeah right. Sometimes this will be on a button on the bottom of the page, but that is rare. Some people actually type in when their page was last updated, but not most. If they bothered to write it on the page, than that's the date you need. If not, you just have to write the date that you visited their site. Example: my web page was last updated March 22, 2001 so that's the date you need. That's everything you need for whatever form you are siting the site in. Sorry I don't know the layout's, but your school or library should be able to give you a cheat sheet.

    I'm just about finished with my long winded explanation. I just want to say that I made the background myself :) I will also be adding some of my own graphics on this site. I just added my own buttons. Sorry some are hard to read, I'll be making new ones. Other graphics on this site are from angelfire, (all of the animated ones and the candles,) that are really cute. Once the "Under Construction" is taken off this site I don't think I will do anymore work on it. I also wanted to apologize about the small, unreadable font size. I had to cut and paste my poems list and it's written really weird, so I'll be busy changing it behind your back. Also, I consider building a web page an art form. 2 people wanted to basically make my page for me after I already had something up, and I felt insulted. They were both just trying to help, but I feel like that is just like drawing a picture for someone else. So if you have any suggestions about my site, just tell me. Don't go building me a new one because 1. I don't learn anything and 2. I'll be really insulted. 3. You'll get insulted because you were "just trying to help". Okay, that's all folks. Thanks for stopping by and I have to say I'm amazed if you read all the way to here.

Here's the link to my home page like I promised:
My Home Page