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Mustard Seed Creations


My name is Margena, Welcome to my pages.

was inspired by my friend Toby , who showed me how to use various tools to make crafts. I had recently taken an early retirement from the Marine Corps after a very traumatic experience, and I felt I would not be able to function productivly in society any more. I WAS WRONG. Yes, it is true that things are different for me now. Things that once were easy for me , come much harder. Toby showed me how to use various tools, my vocational rehabilitation counselor got me interested in exotic woods, and the making of pen and pencil sets. I now feel like I AM a productive member of society and even tho things are harder for me now, between those two people giving me their encouragement I learned I still could GROW~ hence ~ Mustard Seed Creations...

    Mustard Seed Creations is my small, but growing woodcraft business. In the near future, I will have pages where you can view some of my creations. Please stop in anytime and browse just for fun, or if you are looking for that special gift, this will be the place to find it. See you soon!

Available Woods

Items Listed by Wood and Product

      Brazilian Walnut (Imbuia) Pen/Pencil Set                Tangua Nut Key Ring
               Prices and Ordering Information
           More Listings Coming Soon


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Margena Voigt

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Email: Mustard Seed Creations

"Moon Midi"