Opera 3.5

CSS1 properties and pseudo classes/elements supported by Opera 3.5

Font properties:
    'font-family'                    YES
    'font-style'                     YES
    'font-variant'                   YES
    'font-weight'                    YES
    'font-size'                      YES
    'font'                           YES

Color and background properties:
    'color'                          YES
    'background-color'               YES
    'background-image'               YES
    'background-repeat'              YES
    'background-attachment'          'scroll' only      'fixed' is optional in core CSS1
    'background-position'            YES
    'background'                     YES

Text properties:
    'word-spacing'                   YES
    'letter-spacing'                 YES
    'text-decoration'                YES (not 'blink')      'blink' is not required
    'vertical-align'                 YES
    'text-transform'                 YES
    'text-align'                     YES
    'text-indent'                    YES
    'line-height'                    YES

Box properties:
    'margin-top'                     YES
    'margin-right'                   YES
    'margin-bottom'                  YES
    'margin-left'                    YES
    'margin'                         YES
    'padding-top'                    YES
    'padding-right'                  YES
    'padding-bottom'                 YES
    'padding-left'                   YES
    'padding'                        YES
    'border-top-width'               YES
    'border-right-width'             YES
    'border-bottom-width'            YES
    'border-left-width'              YES
    'border-width'                   YES
    'border-color'                   YES
    'border-style'                   YES
    'border-top'                     YES
    'border-right'                   YES
    'border-bottom'                  YES
    'border-left'                    YES
    'border'                         YES
    'width'                          YES
    'height'                         YES
    'float'                          YES
    'clear'                          YES

Classification properties:
    'display'                  partial ('none' and 'block')     optional in core CSS1
    'white-space'                    NO                         optional in core CSS1
    'list-style-type'                YES
    'list-style-image'               YES
    'list-style-position'            YES
    'list-style'                     YES

    A:link                           YES
    A:visited                        YES
    A:active                         NO

    :first-line                      YES
    :first-letter                    YES

Stuff from CSS2:

Opera supports the concept of different media types in style sheets.
The media types supported by Opera are 'screen' and 'all'.

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