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Cause you're good enough, you're smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like you?

I've decided to create my own award since I'm so cool. Not everyone can win this award. I do have some rules:

1. You have to put my link on your page.
2. Your page cannot bash *N Sync.
3. Your page cannot be anti-Howie: "He's a troll." "He's gay."

If you follow these rules, we'll all be happy and you'll get this lovely award.


Sarah of And Stuff Like That
Sarah and Katy of Sarah and Katy's Cheezy Backstreet Boy Fan Fic
Sara of Kevin Is Such A Cutie
Dees and Juje of Tight Like Chees
The Purple Lipstick girls of Could You Do Me Right?
JuLiE and Julie of My Hand, DumbAss
Kim and Anna of allgetkev2000

Are you worthy?

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Your email address: (e.g.:

Okay, tell me why Stunning, fast, FREE!    
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