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I met Tim Berkebile and LFO!

Hey y'all! I'm working on the new story!

L to R: Gretch, Tim, Me, Clyde (keyboard player)

L to R: Me, Rich, Gretch (You can see Tim peeking over on the left :o))

L to R: Me, Brad, Gretch (Man those guys are tall! I'm 5'7' and they tower over me!)

My online friend Gretch of Gretch97's Backstreet Boys was going to meet Tim Berkebile, the former BSB drummer, at the LFO concert to give him her fanbook, since he plays drums for them now. She wanted someone to come with her and since I lived close, I came along. Here's the story!

Day 1, Feb 20th-Gretch and I met at Crown Center at around 6:00 and headed for the hotel. Once there, we asked the rude front desk lady if we could get Tim Berkebile’s room. She said she couldn’t tell us, but she could connect us to the room. Well, for some reason, the call didn’t go through, so we sat down in the lobby by the bar. After about half an hour, I convinced her to ride the elevator and check out each floor. We started at the top and worked our way down, but by the time we got to the 14th floor, we felt stupid and decided to go back down to the lobby. After another half-hour, Gretch thought she recognized somebody and stopped him.
“Are you with the backup band?” she asked him.
“I’m not supposed to say,” he replied, which was TOO obvious that he was.
“Are you Clyde?” she asked, startling him. He said that he was and we begged him to go tell Tim we were here. He agreed and went upstairs. We sat there for another hour, jumping every time the elevator dinged until finally, Tim came out! He came over and sat down with us. He talked to us about half an hour about stuff and offered us good tickets and backstage passes. We got our picture taken with him and made plans to meet him the next day.

Day 2, Feb 21st- -This day did not work out because Tim was waiting for a phone call from Angie, and Gretch had to go to work at 6, so we didn’t get to see him.

Day 3, Feb 22-OH MY GOD! This was the coolest day of my life (so far)! I got lost on the way to Memorial Hall, but we finally got there at about 5:15. Someone got us our passes, and we went into the auditorium, where LFO was rehearsing. They sang a silly song about Twinkies, then finished up with “Summer Girls”. Tim came down from the stage to talk to us while the boys signed autographs and took pictures. Gretch gave Tim the fanbook, which he loved, and then the boys were upon us. We got pictures and autographs with Rich and Brad, but Devon ran away before we could get his. Tim told us that he would get us tickets. Well, we did not get our tickets for another hour and a half, and we went through a lot of trouble to get them. They almost kicked us out of the building! Finally, the roadie Mike got us tickets and we got in! We made signs that said, “I Love Tim” and “I Luv U Tim” so he could find us in the crowd. We waited through the opening acts, Skate and Boyz and Girlz, which I thought were kinda dumb, then LFO came on! Their performance lasted about an hour and 15 minutes, and Tim saw our signs and waved at us 5 times! Gretch and I squealed like teenyboppers when he waved at us. I had a disposable camera and a regular camera with me, but when I used up the disposable, I found out that the battery for my flash was dead! AAARRRRGGGH! I did get a few performance photos, but I missed it when Devon and Brad took their shirts off! Devon has a tattoo right in the middle of his back. After the show was over, we met Tim over by the busses and said our final goodbyes. He gave us hugs and then we left him in the middle of a crowd of fans! I hope more people get to meet him because he is so nice and cool. The guitarist, Jason, isn’t bad, either. I think he’s cute!

P.S. Gretch and I have come to a decision:
