Teaching Enhancement Plan # 1


1.         2008-09 Assessment Findings


§         SLO Assessment

MGT 150 students did not meet assessment criteria for written communication skills on a final writing project.  The average rating for “mechanics” was 2.6 on a 4.0 scale.  Several students experienced particular problems with spelling and punctuation.


§         Course Evaluation

Instructor received low average ratings (less than 3.0 on a scale of 1-5) on the following items: (5) practical work was appropriate for intended student learning outcomes, (7) details of assessment procedures were clear and (8) students were kept informed of their progress toward achieving intended learning outcomes.


Ø      Students indicated in the comments section that they had struggled with the required written assignment, and would have benefited from additional opportunities to develop and practice their writing skills.


2.         Strategies for Improvement


§         Participate in professional development program on constructing effective writing exercises.

§         Include more writing exercises in regularly scheduled assignments.

§         Preview rubrics that will be used to assess students’ writing skills.

§         Share assessment results with students.


3.         Teaching Enhancement Outcome


§         The instructor will provide opportunities for students taking freshman coursework in management to practice and hone their writing skills and to demonstrate competency on a final writing project.


4.         Teaching Methods and Evaluation Techniques


§         The instructor will include additional writing exercises in MGT 150 prior to the required case project.  He will preview the writing assessment rubric with students before the initial exercise and share assessment results with them as they complete each writing assignment, emphasizing areas needing improvement.  The instructor will use the same rubric to assess students’ writing skills on a detailed paper produced at the conclusion of the case project.


5.         Criteria for Teaching Success


§         Students will average 3.0 or higher in each performance category for written communication skills on the final writing project.


§         Instructor will receive average ratings of 3.0 or higher on items 5, 7 and 8 of the spring 2009 course evaluation.