Tentative Program
12:30-4:30 p.m.
Pre-Conference Workshop
Embedding Assessment Measures in Regularly Scheduled Assignments: A User-Friendly Approach. Workshop Facilitator: Larry Kelley, Executive Director, University Planning and Analysis, University of Louisiana at Monroe.
6:00-10:00 p.m.
Opening Reception
Saturday, May 25
11:30 am - 1:00 p.m.
Opening Lunch and Keynote Presentation.
Assessing the First College Year: Myths and Realities About Students and Structures. Guest Speaker: Randy Swing, Co-Director of the Policy Center for the First Year of College.
Concurrent Sessions
1:00-2:15 p.m.
Conducting Focus Group Sessions and Using the Results to Create Assessment Instruments. Presenter: Vicki Peden, Associate Professor, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona.
Tapping into the Power of the Whole System - Examine How Pathfinding, Empowerment and Teambuilding Can Impact Chronic Organizational Problems through Strategic and Operational Planning. Presenter: Elizabeth Hall, Assistant Professor, State University of New York, College at Geneseo.
Fostering Student Critical Thinking within a University-wide General Education Curriculum: Student Access, Teaching Excellence, and Institutional Reform. Presenters: Diane Kelly-Riley, Associate Director, Campus Writing Programs; Bill Condon, Director, Campus Writing Programs; and Lisa Johnson-Shull, Writing Center Director, Washington State University.
Assessing Courses and Faculty Colleagues Using Qualitative Strategies. Presenter: Bruce Berg, Department of Criminal Justice, California State University, Long Beach.
2:25-3:10 p.m.
Assessment Instruments: Cases Versus Objective Questions. Presenter: Vicki Peden, Associate Professor, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona.
The Data Audit Toolkit: Lessons Learned from a National Pilot Project. Presenter: Randy Swing, Co-Director of the Policy Center for the First Year of College.
Longitudinal and Multi-Method Research Techniques to Assess the Impact of Institutional Strategic Diversity Initiatives and Policies on Students During Four Years on Campus. Part One: Assessment Instruments and How They Are Being Used. Presenters: John Matlock, Associate Vice-Provost and Director, Office of the Academic Multicultural Initiatives, and Margaret Scisney-Matlock, Associate Professor and Coordinator, Diversity Assessment and Curricular Reformation Project, The University of Michigan.
Using the Input-Environment-Outcome Assessment Model to Examine Student Growth During College. Presenter: Daniel House, Director of Institutional Research, Northern Illinois University.
3:20-4:05 p.m.
But What Does It Mean? Approaches to Interpreting Assessment Data. Presenters: Susan Hatfield, Assessment Coordinator, and Tim Hatfield, Counselor Education Department, Winona State University.
Assessing the Impact of a Developmental Semester and Competency-Focused General Education Curriculum with Under-prepared Multicultural Students: Report of Initial Outcomes of a Title V Grant. Presenter: Stuart E. Cohen, Professor of Psychology and Special Assistant to the President, Mercy College.
Longitudinal and Multi-Method Research Techniques to Assess the Impact of Institutional Strategic Diversity Initiatives and Policies on Students During Four Years on Campus. Part Two: Findings from the Assessments, Change Date (1990 to 2000), Recommendations for Survey Administration, and Climate Issues. Presenters: John Matlock, Associate Vice-Provost and Director, Office of the Academic Multicultural Initiatives, and Margaret Scisney-Matlock, Associate Professor and Coordinator, Diversity Assessment and Curricular Reformation Project, The University of Michigan.
Using Capstone Experiences in Assessment. Presenter: Jim Hill, Chair and Professor of Chemistry, California State University, Sacramento.
4:15-5:00 p.m.
A Plan in Action: Implementation of a Multi-Dimensional Assessment Model to Evaluate an Undergraduate Engineering Program. Presenter: Promod Vohra, Associate Dean, College of Engineering and Engineering Technology, Northern Illinois University.
Using a Graduating Senior Survey to Assess Department, College, and Institutional Level Learning Outcomes. Presenters: Jane Baillargeon, Assistant Director, Program Review and Assessment, and Archie George, Director, Institutional Research and Assessment, University of Idaho.
The Impact of State Initiatives on University Programs. Presenters: Mary Bendixen-Noe, Associate Professor, The Ohio State University; and Carmen Giebelhaus, Trainer/Consultant, Educational Testing Service.
Sunday, May 26
7:00-8:00 a.m.
Continental Breakfast
Concurrent Sessions
8:00-9:15 a.m.
Strategic Planning in Times of Change. Presenter: James Colman, Director of Strategic Planning, Cedarville University.
More Than a Song and a Dance: Making the Accreditation Preparation Process Meaningful. Presenters: Faith Waters, Professor of Professional and Secondary Education; Suzanne Mueller, Professor of Movement Studies and Exercise Science; Patricia Pinciotti, Professor of Early Childhood and Elementary Education; and Patricia Smeaton, Professor of Professional and Secondary Education, East Stroudsburg University.
Authentic ESL Assessments - Now on Computer! Presenters: Sandra Holst, Program Director, and Gloria Elliott, Consultant, The College Board.
A Case Study Model of Assessment. Presenter: Suzanne Marshall, California State University, Long Beach.
9:25-10:40 a.m.
Web vs. Paper Data Collection: A Comparative Evaluation in a Graduation Survey. Presenters: Steven Wygant and Danny Olsen, Brigham Young University, Provo, and Paul Freebairn, Brigham Young University, Hawaii.
Portfolio Assessment: A Collaboration Model to Authentically Interface Learning Experiences with Student Outcomes in the Educational Leadership Graduate Program. Presenters: Celestine Villa, Associate Professor, Educational Leadership, and Barbara Gottesman, Associate Professor, Educational Leadership, San Jose State University.
Finding the Artificial Intelligence and Assessment - Best Tool for the Job. Presenters: Sandra Holst, Program Director, and Gloria Elliott, Consultant, The College Board.
Measuring Co-Curricular Outcomes: Operationalizing CAS Standards for Planning, Assessment and Accreditation Purposes. Presenters: Sandra Williams, Director of Auxiliary Services; James Vick, Vice President of Student Affairs; and Michael Erwin, Director of Career Service Center, Eastern Michigan University.
10:50-11:35 a.m.
Comparing Survey Responses from Different Populations Using Rasch, A DIF Study. Presenter: Joseph Curtin, Brigham Young University, Provo.
Giving Vision to an Assessment Process: Connecting Assessment and Student Learning. Presenter: Patricia Dwyer, Director for Assessment of Student Learning, Shepherd College.
Assessment As If Learning Matters: How Newly Created Software Can Serve Your Students and Your Institution. Presenters: Robert Sterken, Jr., Department of Social Sciences, The University of Texas at Tyler; and Gary Choban, Chief Technology Officer and Owner, NuVentive.
The Value of Inter-University Comparative Assessment. Presenter: Jeffrey Dym, Assistant Professor of History, California State University, Sacramento.
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
The Relationship between External Accreditation and Program Assessment Initiatives at California State University, Los Angeles. Presenters: Beverly Krilowicz, University Assessment Coordinator and Professor; Andrew Winnick, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs; Darrell Guillaume, Coordinator and Assistant Professor, College of Engineering, Computer Science and Technology Assessment; and Kathryn Reilly, Associate Dean, Curriculum and Assessment, California State University, Los Angeles.
Program Review as a Developmental Tool in General Education. Presenters: Mary Lou Frank, Dean of Undergraduate Studies and General Education, and Susan Rouse, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Kennesaw State University
Engaging the Academy in Empirically-Calibrated Decision-making: A Case Study in Developing and Implementing a University-based Decision Support System (DSS). Presenters: Gary Burlingame, Professor, Psychology, and Danny Olsen, Director, Office of Assessment, Brigham Young University, Provo.
The Getty Service-Learning Scholars Program: Initiating Service-Learning Courses on Six Campuses, Project Planning and Assessment. Presenter: Edward Forde, Faculty Project Director, CSU-Getty LINKING Program, California State University, Los Angeles.
12:30-1:30 p.m.
Monday, May 27
7:00-8:00 a.m.
Continental Breakfast
Concurrent Sessions
8:00-9:15 a.m.
The Student Clearinghouse Database: New tool for Enhancing Retention and Recruitment Analysis. Presenter: Melanie Moore Bell, Western Region Director, National Student Clearinghouse.
Effectively Engaging Faculty in Assessing Learning Outcomes: Lessons Learned (and Still Learning!) Presenters: Christie Howard, Assistant Professor, Department of Biology; William Cathey, Vice Provost for Instruction and Undergraduate Programs, Office of the Provost; and John Mahaffy, Director, Office of University Assessment, University of Nevada, Reno.
Teaching in Fractal Patterns: Recursive Connections of Assessment, Individual Faculty Development, and Unit Level Development. Presenter: Edward Nuhfer, Director, Teaching Effectiveness and Faculty Development; Mark Heckler, Dean of Arts and Media; and Fred Chambers, Chair of Geosciences, University of Colorado at Denver.
A "Fast Tract" Option for NA Upgrade. Presenter: Bridget Swearse, Lecturer, Monash University Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health.
9:25-10:10 a.m.
An Evaluation of Junior Level Writing Across the Curriculum: A University Model. Presenters: Virginia Cassidy, Associate Provost for Academic Planning and Development, and Craig Barnard, Assessment Coordinator, Northern Illinois University.
Assessment's Role in Focusing on Student Learning: A Case Study. Presenter: Patricia Dwyer, Director for Assessment of Student Learning, Shepherd College.
Up Against Accreditation - What Are We Doing in Teacher Education? Presenters: Susan Salmon, Assistant Professor, School of Education, and Donald Marozas, Professor, School of Education, State University of New York, College at Geneseo.
Assessment of the Processes and Outcomes of a Graduate Teaching Assistant Training Program. Presenters: Elizabeth Miller, Office of Teaching Assistant Training and Development, and Daniel House, Director of Institutional Research, Northern Illinois University.
10:20-11:05 a.m.
Assessment of Students' Learning Outcomes through Implementation of Virtual Interactive Laboratory Environment. Presenter: Christopher Druzgalski, Professor of Electrical Engineering, California State University, Long Beach.
An Easy to Use Model for Effective Departmental Assessment and Planning. Presenter: Larry Kelley, Executive Director, University Planning and Analysis, University of Louisiana at Monroe.
Stimulating Critical Thinking Regarding Fitness for Individuals with Disabilities and Special Populations: The Computer Revolution. Presenter: John O'Connor, Special Physical Educator, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville.
Planning for the First Time - One University's First-Year Experience! Presenter: Nancy Hedlund, Professor of Psychology, Coordinator for Academic Assessment and Chair, Educational Effectiveness Planning Committee, Hawaii Pacific University.
11:15-12:00 noon
eAssessment, Version 3.0: The Project Continues. Presenters: Susan Hatfield, Assessment Coordinator, and Theresa Waterbury, Data Analyst, Winona State University.
AQIP (Academic Quality Improvement Project): Assessment as a Continuous Improvement Process. Presenter: Akkanad Isaac, University Professor and Division Chair, College of Business and Public Administration, Governors State University.
Defining and Assessing Student Engagement: The CASTL Project at Illinois State University. Presenter: Wendy Troxel, Coordinator, University Assessment Office, Illinois State University.
12:00 noon-1:00 p.m.
Tuesday, May 28
7:00-8:00 a.m.
Continental Breakfast
Concurrent Sessions
8:00-9:15 a.m.
The Challenges of Establishing an Institutional Effectiveness Plan: A Medical School Mobilizes for Success. Presenters: Angela Walker Franklin, Associate Dean for Student Affairs, and
Sandra Watson, Associate Dean for Administration, Morehouse School of Medicine.
Assessing First Year Programs: From Scratch to Sophisticated in Five Years. Presenters: John Acuna, Counselor/Counseling Faculty; Craig Hayward, Research Coordinator; Todd Huck, English Faculty; and Irene Malmgren, Dean of Counseling, Santa Ana College.
Teaching, Research, and Service: The Role of the Assessment Office Staff in Institutional Improvement. Presenter: Wendy Troxel, Coordinator, University Assessment Office, Illinois State University.
Using Common Rubrics to Assess the Effectiveness of General Education Course Work Across Disciplines. Presenter: Larry Kelley, Executive Director, University Planning and Analysis, University of Louisiana at Monroe.
9:25-10:10 a.m.
Surveying Accepted Students Who Fail to Attend: An Institutional and a College Example. Presenter: Joan Harms, Faculty Specialist in Research and Assessment, University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Formative Assessment Across Course Content: From Teaching to Learning. Presenter: Olivet I. W. Jagusah, Assistant Professor of Secondary Education and Foundations, Eastern Illinois University.
Measuring the Weight of High School GPA and SAT Scores with Second Term GPA to Determine Admission Index - A Case Study. Presenter: Nan Brian Hu, Director of Institutional Research, Loyola Marymount University.
Enhancing Institutional Research by Putting a New Proposal-Based Regional Accreditation Model into Action. Presenter: Nancy Hedlund, Professor, Psychology of Psychology, Coordinator for Academic Assessment and Chair, Educational Effectiveness Planning Committee, Hawaii Pacific University.
10:20-11:05 a.m.
Matching Stakeholder Aspirations with Financial Realities During a Strategic Planning Process. Presenter: Jeffrey Summers, Associate Dean of Faculty, Linfield College
Assessment in the Design and Planning of a New Course. Presenters: Barbara Burke and Edward Walton, Department of Chemistry, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona.
Teachers Taking Charge in the Program Review Assessment Process. Presenters: Colleen Soares, Instructor, English Foundations Program; Bill Potter, Assistant Dean, English Foundations Program; and Ann Chun, Assistant Professor, English Foundations Program, Hawaii Pacific University.
11:15 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Assessing a Center for Teaching Excellence. Presenters: Neil Pagano, Acting Associate Dean of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and David Krause, Associate Dean for Teaching and Learning and Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence, Columbia College Chicago.
Assessment Planning and Teaching Strategies for Diverse Student Populations: Preferences in Learning Styles for Students in Art and Design. Presenters: Mika Cho and Edward Forde, Professors, Art Department, California State University, Los Angeles.
12:00 noon - 1:30 p.m.
Closing Lunch