Program:  Turf Equipment Technology


Academic Year:2007-2008                 Completed by: John R. Piersol           Date:  10/16/08










Intended Outcomes

(Program Outcomes/Goals)

Student Learning Outcomes

(Core Skills and Objectives)


Assessment Measures


Performance Criteria/Expected Results

Evaluation & Planned Actions

Use of Results

(Close the Loop)

Perform preventive maintenance procedures on turf care equipment

Be able to inspect and replace hoses, change fluids and filters for each piece of equipment according to manufacturers recommendations

Daily log book kept by student  and evaluated in the field by faculty

80% of students will receive at least 15/20 points on their log book

96% of students received minimum of 15/20 on their log book



Results indicated the students have met the learning outcomes satisfactorily

Outline the daily maintenance routine at an 18-hole golf facility

Be able to develop a typical daily maintenance schedule for a golf facility

Written internship report

80% of students will receive at least 29/40 points on their written internship report

83% of students received minimum of 29/40 on their report


Results indicated the students have met the learning outcomes satisfactorily

Develop an equipment and parts inventory for a golf course maintenance facility

Be able to develop an equipment and parts inventory using an accepted classification system

Written internship report

80% of students will receive at least 29/40 points on their written internship report

83% of students received minimum of 29/40 on their report


Results indicated the students have met the learning outcomes satisfactorily








*Terms for same concepts on Frameworks