Program: Graphic Design Technology
Year: 2008-2009 Completed by: Fran Rossi Date:
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Intended Outcomes (Program Outcomes/Goals) |
Student Learning Outcomes (Core Skills and Objectives) |
Assessment Measures |
Performance Criteria/Expected Results |
Evaluation & Planned Actions |
Use of Results (Close the Loop) |
Apply design theories. Strategic Plan Goal:
1 |
1. Students will create a design in black and white and
colors. 2. Students will create various mockups, dummies, and
comprehensive layouts in a variety of formats. 3. Students will evaluate use of design principles
utilized in various graphic design applications. |
Projects, question and answer study guides, critiques,
self-evaluations, etc. Same as SLO # 1 Same as SLO # 1 |
collect baseline data for each assessment measure. Same as
SLO # 1 Same as
SLO # 1 |
electronic content. Strategic Plan Goal: 1 |
4. Students will use vector based, bitmap and page layout
computer application software to …. |
Hands-on exercises (textbook lessons and instructor
designed), independent projects, question and answer study guides, critiques,
self evaluations, etc. |
collect baseline data for each assessment measure. |