Program:  Golf Course Operations


Academic Year: 2008-2009                Completed by: John R. Piersol           Date:  10/16/08










Intended Outcomes

(Program Outcomes/Goals)

Student Learning Outcomes

(Core Skills and Objectives)


Assessment Measures


Performance Criteria/Expected Results

Evaluation & Planned Actions

Use of Results

(Close the Loop)

Demonstrate the ability to evaluate a golf course maintenance facility operations

Be able to evaluate the cleanliness, efficiency, and overall operations of a golf course maintenance facility

Written internship report by students; grade on internship report by faculty; employer evaluation of student performance

80% of students will receive a minimum of 44/60 on their internship report and receive a “would hire” evaluation from the employer

______% of students received at least 44/60 on the internship report


______% of students received a “would hire”



Demonstrate the ability to evaluate employee attitudes and performance

Be able to write a written evaluation of golf course crew performance, work habits, and attitude

Written internship report by students; grade on internship report by faculty; employer evaluation of student performance

80% of students will receive a minimum of 44/60 on their internship report and receive a “would hire” evaluation from the employer

______% of students received at least 44/60 on the internship report


______% of students received a “would hire”



Develop an organizational chart for a golf turf maintenance operations

Be able to construct and explain a golf course maintenance organizational chart

Written internship report by students; grade on internship report by faculty; employer evaluation of student performance

80% of students will receive a minimum of 44/60 on their internship report and receive a “would hire” evaluation from the employer

______% of students received at least 44/60 on the internship report


______% of students received a “would hire”










*Terms for same concepts on Frameworks