Program:  Golf Course Operations


Academic Year:2007-2008                 Completed by: John R. Piersol           Date:  re-done 10/15/08










Intended Outcomes

(Program Outcomes/Goals)

Student Learning Outcomes

(Core Skills and Objectives)


Assessment Measures


Performance Criteria/Expected Results

Evaluation & Planned Actions

Use of Results

(Close the Loop)

Demonstrate the ability to design and describe a golf green and tee irrigation system

Describe a golf course irrigation system including a representative tee and green irrigation detail drawing to scale

Description of irrigation system in internship report

80% of students will receive 7/10 on irrigation part of internship report

83% of students received at least 7/10 on irrigation part of internship report




Results indicated the students have met the learning outcomes satisfactorily

Prescribe a pest control program for golf course pests

Prepare a written pest management program for a period of one year

Specific part of internship report deals with pest control program

80% of students will receive 7/10 on the chemical and pesticide portion of internship report

83% of students received 7/10 on pesticide portion of internship report


Results indicated the students have met the learning outcomes satisfactorily

Develop a crew schedule for golf course turf maintenance

Prepare a daily crew schedule for all golf course turf maintenance for a four week period

Specific part of internship report deals with writing a four week daily crew schedule

80% of students will receive a 7/10 on crew schedule part of report

83% of students received at least 7/10 on the crew assignment part of internship report



Results indicated the students have met the learning outcomes satisfactorily








*Terms for same concepts on Frameworks