Year: 08-09 Completed by: Kurt B. Havird Date:
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Intended Outcomes (Program Outcomes/Goals) |
Student Learning Outcomes (Core Skills and Objectives) |
Assessment Measures |
Performance Criteria/Expected Results |
Evaluation & Planned Actions |
Use of Results (Close the |
Prepare a
timbered stand for harvest by marking harvest boundaries and harvest trees |
Be able
to correctly locate and mark boundaries for timber removals and correctly
identify and mark trees to be removed for timber sales |
inspection Mathematical
computations Landowner
objectives |
90% of
students will correctly mark and designate trees to be removed and mark the
associated timber sale boundary |
TBA in
2009 |
TBA in
2009 |
and correctly enter GPS data for acreage determination |
Be able
to properly collect and input field data into a GPS unit for acreage
determination |
inspection Input
data Electronic
acreage determination |
90% of
students will correctly mark and designate trees to be removed and mark the
associated timber sale boundary |
TBA in
2009 |
TBA in
2009 |
determine and enter data for forest inventory volume and value determination |
Be able
to correctly determine in the field information to be entered into a
hand-held data recorder to be used for volume and value determination |
inspection Input
data Electronic
volume and value determination |
90% of
students will correctly mark and designate trees to be removed and mark the
associated timber sale boundary |
TBA in
2009 |
TBA in
2009 |
*Terms for
same concepts on Frameworks