Program:  Esthetics and Skin Care II


Academic Year: 2008-2009    Completed by: Carol McLean              Date:  12/02/08










Intended Outcomes

(Program Outcomes/Goals)

Student Learning Outcomes

(Core Skills and Objectives)


Assessment Measures


Performance Criteria/Expected Results

Evaluation & Planned Actions

Use of Results

(Close the Loop)

Demonstrate the ability to know the anatomy of the face and analyze the skin’s condition and disorders. .

The student will evaluate the client’s skin and disorders and successfully locate the correct motor points.

Case studies of live models will be used and written exams.

80% of students will complete the final project with 90% accuracy.


80% of students will pass with minimum of a “B” grade



Demonstrate the ability to perform facial treatments using the micro-current machine on clients.

The student will display an understanding of the positive and negative polarities of the machine by successfully administering the correct intensity of current and frequency to benefit the skin.

The student will evaluate and chart the outcome of the treatments. There will also be exams given on the use of the machine.

85% of students will complete the series of treatments with 90% accuracy.


85% of students will pass the written exams with a minimum grade of “B”



Demonstrate the use of the Vascutouch machine to remove skin tags and cherry angiomas from the skin.

The student will demonstrate the ability to recognize and remove skin tags and cherry angiomas from the skin using cataphoresis.

The student will evaluate and chart the outcome of the treatments. There will also be exams covering the understanding of the procedure.

85% of the students will complete this treatment with 85% accuracy.


85% of students will pass the exam with a “B”.







Spring 2008

Instructor: Carol McLean                       

Office: 018-103                                                  386-754-4411

Hours as posted and by appointment              386-754-4911 (fax)





COURSE TITLE:      Esthetics and Skin Care 2     UNITS: 120 contact hours/ 4 vocational                                                                                                          credits



This course provides advanced facial practices which introduce advanced skin care, treatments, epilation, makeup artistry, spa body treatments and clinical skin care. Along with the co-requisite prepares the student to gain employment as a Florida licensed esthetician.



LECTURE HOURS PER WEEK: This course is a combination of lecture and practice at each step of the facial, massage and makeup process.


PREREQUISITE: Minimum TABE Scores and Co-requisite CSP 0006C





1)      To prepare the student for employment as a Florida licensed esthetician

2)      To employ safe and proper laboratory practices

3)      To demonstrate an appropriate understanding of the advanced sciences related to skin disorders and diseases

4)      To demonstrate an understanding of the morphology and treatment of skin disorders and diseases

5)      To demonstrate methods of epilation

6)      To identify the value of body services

7)      To demonstrate an understanding of advanced clinical skin care, including but not limited to, plastic and reconstructive treatments.

8)      To demonstrate the use and understanding of microdermabrasion, micro-current, vascutouch, and light therapy machines.




1.                  COURSE CONTENT AND SCOPE:




The following topics will be included in the framework of the course but are not intended as limits on content. The order of presentation and relative emphasis will vary with each instructor.


1)      Advanced Sciences

a)      Disorders and Diseases

b)      Pharmacology

c)      Advanced Ingredient Technology


2)      Advanced Skin Care

a)      Aging Skin

b)      Sensitive Skin

c)      Hyperpigmentation

d)      Ethnic Skin

e)      Alternative Skin Care

f)        Advanced Home Care


3)      Epilation

a)      Methods of Hair Removal

b)      Waxing Procedures


4)      Makeup Artistry

a)      Color Theory, Facial Features, and Setup

b)      Makeup Applications


5)      Spa Body Treatments

a)      Value of Body Services

b)      Body Treatments


6)      Advanced Clinical Skin Care






All readings are included in the selected text







Outside assignments include but are not limited to skills practice and attendance at selected professional demonstrations





Correctly identifying and diagnosing skin condition

Drawing conclusions and/or making inferences from data


2.                  METHODS OF EVALUATION:

The student must score at least 80 on pre-test or study and retake the test

The student must score 85 on Unit Test in order to pass

There are no retakes on Unit Test

Pre-Test to be announced

Unit Test (Post Test) to be announced

A 90 - 100

B 80-89

C 70-79

D 60-69

F 59 and below


3.                  METHODS OF INSTRUCTION:

            Methods of instruction include lecture, discussion and demonstration including visual                   aids and guest speakers or artists.


4.                  REQUIRED TEXTS AND SUPPLIES:

a)        Milady's Standard Textbook for Professional Estheticians and accompanying Practical and Theory Workbooks: Publisher Milady

b)       Milady's Black Cosmetology Textbook (Suggested but not required) publisher Milady

c)        Milady's State Exam Review for Professional Estheticians

d)       Salon Fundamentals

e)        Notebook, paper, pencils and pens

f)        Uniform (scrubs)




            Withdrawal Policy


*Up to the mid-point of the semester, a student may withdraw without the instructor’s permission.  To withdraw up to the mid-point, students should see Director of Student Support (Helen Britt, 754-4334) or one of the Director’s advisors located in building 14 on campus.  Information on how to withdraw is found on page 48 of the 2005 – 2005 catalog.  Click Critical Dates Calendar for the last day for student initiated withdrawal.


After the mid-point, the student may withdraw only WITH the express permission of the instructor, or the instructor may assign a grade.  After the mid-point, instructors may involuntarily withdraw or assign an F grade to a student for non-participation per instructor’s discretion.



“Lake City Community College seeks to provide reasonable accommodations for all qualified individuals with disabilities.  The College will adhere to all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations as required to afford equal educational opportunity.  It is the student’s responsibility to register with the Office of Disabled Student Services at extension 4393, and to contact the faculty member in a timely manner to arrange for appropriate accommodations.”


You may not purposefully deceive any official of the College by cheating on any assignment, examination, or paper. Cheating is the use of anyone else's work, whether he/she is a student or not, as your own. A student many be withdrawn from this course with the grade of "F" if found to have cheated on any course assignments