Program:  Criminal Justice Technology


Academic Year: 2008 -2009   Completed by: Stephen P. Anderson              Date: November 24, 2008 


*Mission:  The mission of the Lake City Community College, Criminal Justice Technology Program is to provide a superior educational program which will continue to meet the needs of students pursuing a career in the field of criminal justice.








Intended Outcomes

(Program Outcomes/Goals)

Student Learning Outcomes

(Core Skills and Objectives)


Assessment Measures


Performance Criteria/Expected Results

Evaluation & Planned Actions

Use of Results

(Close the Loop)

 1. Describe and discuss the criminal justice system.

 2. Describe and discuss the principles of criminology.

 3. Identify criminal investigation procedures.

 4. Describe and discuss juvenile delinquency.

 5. Summarize law enforcement administration.

 6. Demonstrate law enforcement operations procedures.

 7. Describe and discuss the field of corrections.

 8. Describe and discuss the field of criminal law.

 9. Explain evidence and the rules of evidence.

10. Identify issues relating to human diversity in the criminal justice system.

11. Demonstrate employability skills.


Students will demonstrate a basic knowledge of the criminal justice system as well as the three main sub-systems (law enforcement, courts, and corrections).


Students will demonstrate a basic knowledge of the laws and criminal procedures involved in the application of the criminal justice system.


Students will demonstrate a basic knowledge of the procedures involved in criminal investigation, such as evidence collection and preservation, and rules of evidence.


Students will demonstrate a basic knowledge of the inner workings of the juvenile justice system and the causes of delinquency.


Students will be ever mindful of the issues of human diversity.

Mastery of assigned topics through class instruction, selected projects, writing assignments, case studies, Observations, and a series of exams.

85% of students will complete the individual courses with 100%accuracy.

To be announced in 2009.

To be announced in 2009.