Annual Assessment Plan
Administrative Departments &
Educational Support Services
Department: Business Office Academic
Year: 2009-2010
Van Smithey Date: September 25, 2009
1. Mission
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Intended Outcomes |
Assessment Measures |
Performance Criteria/Expected
Results |
Related Strategic Plan Goal |
Evaluation and Planned Actions |
Use of Results (Close the Loop) |
Provide ongoing training
assistance to faculty and staff as needed to ensure effective management of
the institution. |
Document through the
Banner approval queues, emails and appointment calendar. |
To satisfactorily
address training needs as requested. |
5.2 |
Preparation and
adoption of College’s budget sufficient to support the mission and operations
of the college. |
Budget reports,
which are prepared and presented to the District Board of Trustees. |
College budget
exceeds or equals expenditures. |
5.2 2.3 |
Produce accurate and
timely internal and external financial information. |
Ongoing internal
accounting system and annual financial report. |
Internal accounting
data available to users. Annual financial
report and audit is released timely. |
5.2 |
NOTE: assessment should focus on
effectiveness, efficiency, constituent satisfaction, or impact on functions,
services, processes or student learning.