Annual Assessment Plan

Administrative Departments & Educational Support Services


Department:    Business Office                    Academic Year: 2008-2009

Completed by:   Van Smithey                       Date: 10-31-2008


1.  Mission Statement: 








Intended Outcomes


Assessment Measures


Performance Criteria/Expected Results

Related Strategic Plan Goal

Evaluation and Planned Actions

Use of Results

(Close the Loop)

Provide update instruction to budget custodians on business policy, practice and law.

The number of budget custodians attending the class will be tracked on a sign in sheet

The class will be offered to 30 budget custodians.


Instruction was provided to budget custodians and other staff related to the custodial functions on an individual basis to at least 30 participants.


Plan to continue offering instruction in this method next year.


Training on an individual and/or small group basis is more effective.

Provide instruction to budget custodians on the Banner accounting and business management software used at LCCC.

The number of budget custodians attending the class will be tracked on a sign in sheet

The class will be offered to 30 budget custodians.


Training class was offered to over 30 participants.


Instruction was also provided to budget custodians and other staff related to the custodial functions on an individual basis.


Plan to continue offering instruction in this method next year.


Individual instruction is an ongoing service provided by the business office to ensure more effective use of the accounting and business management software available in the Banner System.

Preparation and adoption of College’s budget sufficient to support the mission and operations of the college.

Budget reports, which are prepared and presented to the District Board of Trustees.

College budget exceeds or equals expenditures. 



Budget was prepared, presented to the Board, and approved by the Board in a timely manner.  The Budget is sufficient to meet the operational needs of the college.

Timely and sufficient budget information is essential to college operations.

NOTE: assessment should focus on effectiveness, efficiency, constituent satisfaction, or impact on functions, services, processes or student learning.