Department:  Advising & Student Services              Academic Year:  2008-09


Completed by:  Maggie McLaughlin                      Date:  September 22, 2009


1.  Department Mission Statement:   








Intended Outcomes


Assessment Measures


Performance Criteria/Expected Results

Related Strategic Plan Goal

Evaluation Results

Planned Actions


Students will report increasing satisfaction with advising services. 

Student Satisfaction Survey

90% of students surveyed during open registration each semester will report good or higher satisfaction


96.5% of students surveyed indicated satisfaction.                        

Continue to survey students twice per year during registration.



Registration in the dual enrollment program will increase each semester.

Dual enrollment student registration data

Registration data will show a 10% increase each semester


Student registration in the dual enrollment program increased 21% from Fall, 2008, to Spring 2009.

Continue to track dual enrollment registrations.

Create a student career center

Career Center operational

Operational by Jan, 2009.


Career center opened in Jan, 2009.

Track student usage of services offered in the career center.

NOTE: assessment should focus on effectiveness, efficiency, constituent satisfaction, or impact on functions, services, processes or student learning.