Program:  Agribusiness Management


Academic Year: 2008-2009    Completed by: JGrimes         Date:  October 16, 2008


*Mission:  Graduate employable students with a basic understanding of the functions in owning, operating, or managing an agribusiness.








Intended Outcomes

(Program Outcomes/Goals)

Student Learning Outcomes

(Core Skills and Objectives)


Assessment Measures


Performance Criteria/Expected Results

Evaluation & Planned Actions

Use of Results

(Close the Loop)

Select methods & sources of financing an agribusiness operation

Understanding of credit applications to agribusiness through the use of amortizing tables and interest formulas

Project assessment:

Exercises in calculating various credit scenarios.

80% of students will complete the final project with 90% accuracy.



Performance of accounting activities

Basic understanding of small agribusiness accounting procedures

Mastery Projects and final exam assessments

80% of students will complete the project assessment and final exam with 75% accuracy



Develop human relations skills

Understanding of human relation skills required to successfully manage a small agribusiness

Mastery of assigned activities, roll play, and examination

80% of students will complete the final project with 80% accuracy.










 *Terms for same concepts on Frameworks