Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Seminar Rating Form




Speaker’s Name   __________________________________    Date ____________________


Topic ______________________________________________________________________


ITEMS                                                                  MAXIUM POINTS                                         POINTS  RECEIVED

1. ABSTRACT                                                                       10                                                        _______

2. BIBLIOGRAPHY                                                               10                                                        _______

3. RESUME’                                                                           5                                                         _______


4. BACKGROUND                                                             [25] 

     a. Scientific significance & application                        6                                                         _______

     b. Emphasis of important points                                  5                                                         _______

     c. Followed topic-outline format                                 4                                                          _______

     d. Performance during question                                10                                                         _______

           and answer period


5. EFFECTIVE USE OF AUDIOVISUALS                             15                                                        _______

   (PowerPoint,  Slides, Props, Chalkboard, Handouts, etc.)


6.  PRESENTATION                                                           [35]       

      a. Preparation for seminar                                          5                                                         _______  

      b. Ability to arouse and maintain interest                5                                                         _______

      c. Clarity of presentation                                             5                                                         _______

      d. Use of the English language                                   5                                                         _______

         ( grammar, pronunciation, etc.)                              5                                                         _______

      e.   Voice quality

             ( pitch, flexibility, volume, etc.)                          5                                                          _______

      f.    Eye contact with the audience                            5                                                          _______

      g.   Career goals & preparations                                5                                                          _______


                                                            TOTAL POINTS

Grading Scale

90 - 100 A

80 -   89 B               Comment constructively on the weak and/or strong aspects of the seminar.  

70 -   79 C                ___________________________________________________________

60 -   69 D                ___________________________________________________________

D and below            ___________________________________________________________

Unsatisfactory        ___________________________________________________________



                                   Evaluator: _________________________________________________