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(August 21, 1939-2002)

NORTH End: Stop sign, IA 92, Mahaska County

Facing north on 371

Photo by Jason Hancock

The Mahaska County Board of Supervisors accepted jurisdiction of 371 and 432 in a separate deal, approving the transfer Dec. 23, 2002. Signs didn't come down until 2003, though. Paving records appear to indicate that the original 1940 pavement is still on top.

Facing north on 371

Facing west on 92

Photo by Jason Hancock

SOUTH End: Lake Keomah State Park, Mahaska County

Facing south on 371

Photo by Jason Hancock

Unlike many state highways with ends at parks, this one is signed. Something odd: The state map and the county PDF map show T67 running along the east side of Lake Keomah, near Keomah Village (pop. 97), yet there is a sign here, on the west side. Interesting, very interesting.

Facing south on 371

Photo by Jason Hancock

While there is a stop sign for the gravel road, the paved road goes into the park.

Facing north on 371

From the park entrance you can look north and see the entire route. (Sign at left is "Pavement Ends".) The junction with 92 is at the top of the hill in the background. True to what the county said, there are no county road shields on the paved route.

Last seen: 2002 (2003 map)

Pictures by Jason Hancock: First, third, fourth, and fifth, 3/10/02

Pictures by me: Second and sixth, 10/29/04

Page created 5/15/02; last updated 6/18/07

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