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Acree Enterprises

This page is for viewers who, Like Myself, are interested in Collecting, Shopping, Making Money Opportunities, Pets, Trucks, and the list could go on and on.

Website Search Engine (enter key word):

This is a little list of things that I like doing in my spare time.

I am also a member of the ICQ program and I have included on this page a box for you to get ahold of me that way, if you don't feel like E-mailing me. Just put your information in the box and select the appropriate box and I will recieve your message the next time I log into the network. Pretty neat, eh?

The ICQ Online-Message Panel
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This is just a small collection of places that I have gone at one time or another. Most of these places are very informative. Should there be something in here that has caught your eye then by all means go there and have fun.

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
WhoWhere? - The Best Communications Guide on the Web
An awsome chat channel.
CareerPath - Where Employers and Employees Click
Compare It!
Another awsome chat program that you have to download. A lot of my freinds are here.
A place to go and chat with freinds, get an e-mail address, search for items of interest, or just to browse.
Need something to do in your sparetime? Try this on for size.
For your listening pleasure, I have found all you need for Music.
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yet to come
yet to come
