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H. B. WORLD - SPAN: A Service of "The Weekly Roomer"


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"Resistence Is Futile!
You WILL BE Assimilated!"


Today Is:

April 9, 2003
Saddam symbolically toppled,
when twenty-five foot Baghdad statue toppled!
Crowd Cheers!

Hearing that the "Brooklyn Bridge" was for sale, sixty to seventy-five percent of US American citizens immediately lined up to profit-share in the sale, but Iraqi Arabs, the French, Belgians, Luxembergers, Germans, and Russians, seemed more leery...for reasons far more complex and mature than greed for whatever short term material gain or the supposed sweet taste of revenge, or simply the rush and triumph of the kill they might realize!

15 April 2003
USA: Call for Inquiry into possible excessive force against anti-war protesters

April 19, 2003
"Saddam was bad, but the 'Bush League' is badder! How? Special Forces were sent months before the attack started to secure oil fields, but no one thought or wanted to logistically plan for the immediate total supply of hospital supplies and personnel, water, electricity, and food for Iraqis as well as for resupply of the coalition's troop needs for emergency medical treatment, ammunition, fuel, and water, or to secure irreplaceable, priceless artifacts, texts, and art in the National Museum or the National Library. A clear Revelation of the truly bankrupt and corrupt values that govern U.S. policy in Iraq! When one is on the in-coming end of such things, one picks up on such things...Duh!

The Administration's instinct to make themselves look righteous is pretty good. Their instinct for accepting the consequences of their actions and checking themselves before they take action, so that they might actually BE Righteous, doesn't exist. They seem instead to be ultimately about brute power, doing what they please for whatever motivation they hide beneath PR, Cover-up, or Delusion, by whatever expedient means possible (bullying, bribing, and blunt force trauma), calling support for their policies 'PATRIOTISM' and disagreement 'TREASON,' and apparently considering GENUINE AND SINCERE HUMILITY to be a WEAKNESS that is beneath them! Then proclaiming loudly their/our innocence when other peoples or nations disagree or resent us or even hate us...

The largest problem occurs when so many citizens are fooled into believing the cover stories and become complicit in their support, A CLEAR Revelation of the truly Desparate need so many feel to be Heroes in a climate where it has been TOO long since our Fathers truly were Heroes of Justice and Liberation, though by no intention of the Imperialist Administration commanding them, is that time wears on everyone's nerves.

There is a perfectly accurate and applicable word for what is taking place and effecting generations on a colossal scale we usually think of only in reference to an individual's behavior, 'PSYCHOPATHIC!'

SYLLABICATION: psy·cho·path
NOUN: A person with an antisocial personality disorder, manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior without empathy or remorse.]

It's about Character Traits clearly perceivable to others that repeatedly leave a lot of dead bodies around 'The World' as we expand our corporate/market grip on resources and labor/consumers, but which are apparently hidden from ourselves, Stupid! So long as our efforts are not without self-gain and there are strings attached, they are in no way 'GIVING,' except in the imaginations of public relations managers (counter parts to 'Baghdad Bob') and an all too gullible public!" --Dudley (Just another "natering nabob of negativism.")

- - quoted in the HB in-house newsletter,The Weekly Roomer

Geov Parrish: 'The errand and the fools'
Date: Saturday, April 19 @ 09:46:23 EDT

North Korea has not only the military power but also the political will to wage total war against the United States.
04/24/03 (Center for Korean Affairs) An English abstract of a paper by Han Ho Suk Director,

...and now for what in some individual's minds (who seem to think they 'know it when they see it') is an "OBSCENE" moment at Hotel Bravo, but a "Fair" and "Balanced" one in the minds of others: ...

Democracy Means You!

"By REFUSING to perceive and Treat Palestinian rights equally with Israeli rights, the Bush Administration and everyone who supports their middle-east policies, are siding specifically with the extreme right Israeli positions which do not recognize Palestinians as even human and which certainly do not represent the values of Democracy!!! Killing people to reduce objection to oppressive values is not unlike Hitler's views of how to conduct Government for the solitary good of one race and must always fail because it is driven by fear, hate, and greed, as well as being a STUPID and GROTESQUE BEHAVIOR for a proud people who can remember it so recently being done to them!!! Racism based in Religious bigotry is no example to leave as one's legacy to posterity!!! Regardless of what those self appointed TRUTH POLICE at Fox (in serious need of repeating their eighth-grade Civics Class) are selling in order to pander to viewers with the least idea of what Democracy must be about in order to be Democracy, but with the strongest cocksure idea of what 'Patriotism' is all about, when the same policy has failed continuously decade after decade, the answers we seek must not be the answers we already know and implement! We weren't attacked because we are innocent, democracy loving, 'GOOD' people. We were attacked because we are history's biggest HYPOCRITES!"
--Quoted in theHB in house news letter, The Weekly Roomer


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