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WE THE PEOPLE...want Tom Harkin for President - 2000

"My name is Tom Harkin and I want to be your next President...." In his homespun prairie way, one can almost imagine Senator Tom Harkin grasping a voters hand and uttering these same words. For almost three decades, Tom Harkin has been the fighter for America's working families in both the U.S. House of Representatives. In 1992, he made an unsuccessful bid for the Democratic Presidential Nomination. Like Abraham Lincoln or John F. Kennedy before him, Tom was not successful. However, in 2000, it's Tom's Year to shine in the political spotlight. To retain the White House, the Democratic Party needs to nominate the strongest possible nominee. Tom Harkin IS that Democrat. He has proven time and time again to be the vigilant watchdog for seniors, veterans, young people, and the working families all across the United States. He has a proven record of accomplishments in his years in the Congress. TOM HARKIN is the best choice this country can make for President in 2000. He is not bound by arrogance of power, an ideological agenda, or big-money interests. He represents the one true constituency that matters, the people. Therefore, WE THE PEOPLE, IN ORDER TO ELECT A PRESIDENT WE CAN BE PROUD OF AND WHO WE KNOW IS COMPETENT AND WILLING ENOUGH TO GET THE JOB DONE RIGHT THE FIRST TIME, NOMINATE......TOM HARKIN OF IOWA.

Senator Harkin and his wife, Ruth, are the parents of two love young daughters: Amy (who is 22 and recently graduated from college) and Jenny (who is 17). Recently at Amy's college graduation, both her parents were asked to give the commencement address. Ruth Harkin, who is Vice President of United Technology Corporation, and one of the foremost female corporate executives in the country, spoke with warmth and with sincerity that they knew the feelings and the frustrations that all the parents and their children faced that day. The hard truth of allowing a loved one and child, to finally grow up and mature into adulthood. Senator Harkin began his speech with a hillarious sigh of relief at "no more collect calls in the middle of the night, loads of laundry, and huge bills at the campus bookstore." But then the Senator launched into a passionate speech about the need of all families in America to be able to allow their children the chances that had been afforded them. He spoke about restoring the American Dream, that when someone works hard enough, studies, saves, and works together with others, then they achieve prosperity together as a family unit. He compared the United States to a family unit that desperately needs the support of it's fellow family members.

But Senator Harkin understands what the American Dream is all about, because he didn't need to read about it in some textbook. Rather, the son of coal miners and immigrants, Tom Harkin learned at a young age the value of hard work.
After studying and using a Navy ROTC scholarship to put himself through college at Iowa State University, while working part-time at a bottling company, Harkin entered military service. In 1962, he entered active duty as a Navy pilot, and served our country in the military in both peacetime and wartime. After 1967, he flew three more years in the Naval Reserve. To this day, he is an active member of American Legion Post 562 in his hometown of Cumming, Iowa.

In fact, Harkin still maintains a residence in the farmhouse at Cumming, Iowa. But that is why so many people like Tom Harkin, because he is a leader that our children can look up to with pride. Tom Harkin loves people and he loves the United States. Tom Harkin is the one individual that America needs as she enters the 21st Century. We need better health care coverage - a cleaner enviroment - better paying jobs that provide a future, not just a paycheck - and most of all, we need a President who will restore trust and dignity to the political process.
Please join us and help us send Tom Harkin to the White House in 2000! Currently we are organizing in many states. The Arkansas campaign has a website up and the campaigns in West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire soon plan to have their website up.

Paid for by Americans for Tom Harkin for President - 2000, Joshua Greorgy and Andrew Pritt, Co-Chairmen.
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Who is Tom Harkin?

My Favorite Links

Where Tom will be come January 21, 2001
A compilation of Senator Harkin's views and legislation.
POLITICS1 Magazine
OFFICIAL Senate Website of Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa
