Cindy Morgan plays a Dog food commercial producer in Return of The Shaggy Dog. Did you know that she also played in Tron and Caddyshack? See her website,
Rover is all over Old English Sheepdogs have played in a number of movies, see OES in movies and songs
The latest fuzz: 'Culture Shag' Furriness touched off by viewing Shaggy movies, changes in brain structure reported. "My English sheepdog will figure out nutrition before the dietitians do."

Here's Boomer My Here's Boomer dedication page. Remember Here's Boomer from TVs family hour? Here's a tribute to my namesake!
Furry Links Page of animal people's links. Send your link over and I'll add it
Dogmatic Home My pictures page with Dog people art and photomorphs
- Boomer The Dog, write to me below