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Our Shows

Kill Your Idols

September 2nd

This was at Eagle Reception Hall and had the Strict, Mannequin Molesters, and Kill Your Idols (a hardcore band from New York). Violent Society failed to show up. It was our first show. We played decent but it was obviously our first show. Brian cut his hands on something (it's still a mystery on what he cut his hands on) and bled profusely on his bass and surrounding area. Matt broke a string. The other local bands played great and Kill Your Idols was amazing. All in all, it was a good show.

Mulligan StuMulligan Stu

October 31st

This show was on Halloween so a lot of people had crazy costumes on. The Eagle had the most people in it that we had ever seen. Transit opened up the show for everyone and we played after them. We played a good show but Matt broke a string on the second song and it sure didn't help the sound. One kid was wearing a militant style black uniform. He did some hypnotizing break dancing and it looked like he belonged in Janet Jackson's "Rhythm Nation" video. More kids got into our set this time. Tri*lambs and Paper Children played very well. Then, Mulligan Stu came out dressed like the Ramones and played quite a few Ramones classics before abandoning their wigs and playing their own set. They played incredible. Again it was a pretty good show.

Bad Jesus no wine for you!noVineyard Flyer

All Local Show

The Vineyard is an alternative church in downtown Davenport. The show was a benefit show to help put on some more shows for the scene and the Vineyard just worked out best for the location. When we arrived we didn't know when we would play but we ended up playing last. We were startled at how cold it was in the basement. First, Campion played and we were impressed because we had never seen them before. Then Transit played followed by the Strict who played excellent and Paper Children who were not disappointing. Then we came out and played. It was the fastest set we had ever played and was abounding with energy. The crowd seemed to enjoy it and we received the best crowd response to date for us. Matt broke a string and Brian took the mic to fill up time before Matt finished borrowing a guitar from Transit. Brian proceeded to tell a profane story about Arby's when a Christian Punk local yells out watch your mouth. Brian takes this as his cue to turn the profanity up to 10 and every other word was offensive or vulgar. After the show we were more than pleased with our performance and thought the show went along very well.

March 20th

March 20th

Well we knew this show wasn't going to go good for us the minute we walked up on stage. There was about a third of how many people usually show up. We played decent but there just weren't enough people to get into it. Plenty of people came after we played and got to see the three bands that played after us though. We were real hungry and we missed Mannequin Molesters set but we heard that they played really well. We almost got in an accident on the way to Fazzoli's which is where we got something to eat. We were looking for a place to eat we had been driving around way too long and needed to find a place fast. Matt wasn't watching the road and the car in front of us stopped abruptly and Matt had to swerve to miss it. We pulled off because we were in the turn only lane, and the car we almost hit pulled off too. The kid got out and said, "Oh it's ok you just scratched the bumper a little." We thought that was rather odd because we didn't even touch the car. Once we got back to Eagle we were in time to see the two out of town bands. The Eating Disorders played first they were really good Hardcore from Milwaukee, but the crowd didn't seem to get into it of course. The last band to play was Quatro, they are emo from Chicago. They were great too and got into what they were playing but the crowd just wasn't interested that night. It was a good show just no crowd interest.

May 8th

May 8th
Photos from the Show

This was our first out of town show, Matt's cousin Ben of Conniption Fit was the one running it so he got us the gig. It was a benefit for a skate park they are building in the town. Matt and Mike had a school band competition that day so we were running real late because they didn't even play until 3:30 and it was a 2 and a half hour drive to Waverly so that was a hassle. We got there around 6:45 and played around 7 so we missed half the bands. I borrowed an amp from Conniption Fit's bassist, and Mike borrowed his drums too. We played well, it was the first time I used my new bass and the strings were way to close to the fretboard which was unfortunate. Other than that we sounded alright I thought, usually I'm very critical of myself. We got the kids moving there but it got a little out of hand and a lot of kids got hurt I guess, one kid fell right into the stage it was bad. We went outside for the band that followed us up. The last three bands were ska, the kids in Waverly love their ska that's fore sure. Conniption Fit played, they were really good, Matt's cousin Ben is the Vocalist/Guitarist for that band and I think they're really going places. Guilty as Charged played after them and they were really good too, the pa was messed up for a bit though. Then Safety Second played they were rockin' with that ska they do, and you could tell they had played there before because the kids were singing the songs with them and everything it was wild. It was a fun show to play, and we were glad to help out with their Skate Park.

Dillenger FourDillinger Four

June 22nd

This was by far the best punk show I've ever seen in this area, and we were honored to be involved in it. Dillinger Four is inarguably the best "underground" punk band out right now. But, on to the show review....No More Droids started it off with their pop/grrl punk stuff they do so well. They have a split cd out now too so be sure to pick that up if you're into their shit. I thought they played well, but due to the fact that everyone was still in their full body casts until D4 hit the stage not much dancing occurred(have we complained about that enough for you to notice yet?). Next up was us, with Matt and I having our new guitars, plus Matt borrowing Matt Moody's fat half stack we sounded better than to be expected. With our short 15 minute set we managed to play 7 songs(how punk is that?). I thought we played well and we managed to mouth off a bit and have fun so we were certainly pleased. Next up was Brazil, awesome emo-core out of Iowa City/Cedar Rapids. I loved their sound, this was the first time I had seen them live. They received minimal movement as well, but isn't that to be expected? Ambition Mission was slated to play next but they no showed, I never got the down low on the reason for that. Finally Dillinger Four took the stage, in perfect form I might add. Their show was absolutely non stop fun. I loved every minute of their performance and I think it's safe to say everyone else did as well. Big Matt even got to sing on a song. They played about every song on the album and then some. Everyone I talked to said they couldn't have asked for anything more....So, advice, pick up D4's cd cuz they are the rockers of the next millennium baby. So, in closing this show rocked d 9 d 9, without a doubt.

Hers Never Existed

August 13th

This show ended up being our last. In typical "319X309" style there was a lousy ass showup for the event. It was a shame that we had to go out with a show that had about 50 people there, but at least we got to play??? The show started out with Paper Children unfortunately I went back to Mike's house to get my strap cuz I somehow forgot it during their set. When we got back finally No More Droids were halfway through their set, they played well, but I don't remember anything more than that. After them was Wax Cannon out of Iowa City. They were pretty decent all three of the guitar players sang and they were like a rock/who knows what sound. Then was Hers Never Existed but before they played one of their roadies or something chose to play some Courtney Loveish style ballads. Everyone kept their distance from that which was to be expected of the Quad Cities so I'm sure she wasn't too hurt. Then Hers Never Existed play they were a Riot Grrl type band, very good actually I really dug them. Too bad there weren't more people there to see them. We played last because the out of town bands were afraid everyone was going to leave before they played. Of course we knew nobody was going to leave before we played because everyone loves us. Heh.. Anyways we were in full makeup for this show lookin' like satanic mo fuxas. As always we didn't play as well as we do when we practice in the basement but oh well. We played about a 25 minute set. I was playing my five string after playing a four string for about a month so that threw me off quite a bit. Matt did some sort of pseudo punk rock jump and landed on a glass and glass went all over the place. Instead of cutting himself up with it though he courteously picked it up after the show. His mother would be proud. So that was it for us, the fun was over. I'm not even going to claim it was a good show because it was far from it. At least we got to wear make up though!!!