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Life's Realities

....Mankind is a product of the universe. We're a dual creation. One side of our nature is in the seen or physical world. The other side of our nature is in the unseen or spirit world. Where one relates to the earth, the other relates to the heavens. All aspects of man that you see in the physical world has it's counter part in the realm of the spirit. While the physical body is but a temporary dwelling place of the spirit and mortal, the spirit of mankind is everlasting.

....The spirit or soul of mankind is born from the Ever Present Universal Source of Life. In birth, man's spirit is projected into this corporeal or physical existence. In this physical world, our spirit is solidified, strengthened and tempered in this mortal structure before rising into the higher realms of heavenly life.

....In our transformation through this earth, we become separated and isolated from the source of our creation. The life that we once lived within, fades in intensity as we travel longer and deeper into the physical world. We forget where we originated and our destiny becomes obscure.

....The two realities we face in life are Light and Darkness. One is life while the other is death. One leads to life everlasting, the other to degeneration and dissolution. The whole balance of the universe is based on this principle. The existence we perceive as ours is but a result of creation and destruction, generation and dissolution or Light and Darkness. Together they are but one force used to generate the Universal Creation.

....We are all a part of this universal cycle of creation. The Creator has given Himself away in various parts and degrees to create each of us and all that exists. We are all His children and His many different forms of expression. Our destiny lies in our eternal growth and evolution through this earth and into the higher heavens forever.

....To accept this truth and align ourselves to the Creator brings light, life, health and eternal spiritual salvation. To deny this reality and our true destiny, creates inner conflict and chaos. This creates a misalignment, deviation or separation from the light, of truth, causing darkness to shadow one’s being. With darkness comes dissolution. With dissolution comes degeneration. With degeneration comes disease. With disease comes eventual death.

....In our decision to accept or deny life, comes the reflection of our resolutions. We become living examples of our thoughts, words, actions and deeds. This has a profound influence on our overall state of well being as well as those around us.

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